Tales From Thailand


I have a buddy in Thailand for a month who sent me this last night, he is 6’4″ and weighs about 210 lbs, the visual cracked me up….Wish I was there with ya bro.

I left the bar with a lady last night and got food from the food carts on our way to the condo and she wanted fried grasshoppers. I tried it and not much flavor. I had about 5 but had to stop when a leg got stuck in my throat. Haha

The funny thing was when we were Leaving the bar she said I got motorbike (scooter) I will take us. So I rode bitch on the back! She was about 110lbs with fake boobs, mini skirt, and high heels with me on the back! Wish I could have got a pic with us going down the road. I had one hand holding on and in my other hand was her purse and the bag of grasshoppers..

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Tales From Thailand

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6 Responses

  1. Lots of Ladyboys working the clubs in Thailand. Some even got +2’s. Hope your buddy made sure she wasn’t packing.

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