Sue The Bastids:

AVN finally caught up with the story but I got more….word is that Ms Roxxx intends to sue the following people: T.T. Boy, Darren James, Mark Anthony, Sharon Mitchell, AIM and TT’s company.

Speaking of Darren

Shannin Writes

It would seem to me that someone has a chokehold on this Darren James guy. He hasn’t said a word any idea who has what on him causing him to stay silent?

No idea but I and many others agree with you. It certainly appears that T.T. Boy or someone is holding something big over Darren’s head.


Lara Roxxx Intends to sue Producers ( ie T.T. Boy)

I just saw her on the news..basically, she’s suing the producers because they didn’t take the appropriate measures to protect her from getting infected.…511-191953.html (It’s in the international language of cowards…ummm love…that’s French to you)


Viewer Mail:

XXX Writes:

Hi Mike,

I’ve long suspected there are people who should be on AIM’s quarantine lists, but who aren’t. This was confirmed yesterday, when I received a call from a black female model (I’d rather not share her name at this point) who is with World Modeling. I’d asked World to call her as I was interested in shooting her. During the course of our conversation, she told me she’d only done two scenes, both in late March. One of the shoots was on 03/26 with Maxx Blacc… Maxx is on the first generation list of people who worked with Lara Roxx… In fact, Maxx worked with Lara on 03/24, just two days before the female performer I was talking to did.

I asked the girl if she had retested since the shoot, and she told me she hadn’t as she wasn’t sure she was going to continue performing. She was aware of the HIV crisis in the Industry, but didn’t know that Maxx Blacc was quarantined. I told her to get tested right away, and to tell AIM that she’d worked with Maxx very soon after he worked with Lara Roxx as she should be on the second generation quarantine list. I’m sure this is not an isolated incident.

I wanted you to know this, but I don’t want this email to be published with my name attached. I hope you understand. TTYL . . . .

Oh I do understand, my readers have no idea what I have been subjected to over the last couple of weeks, and I am sure there will be more to come. It seems someone doesn’t like me telling you the things I am telling you and they are trying to deprive me of my freedom to do so, rest assured I will not bow to that type of scare tactics and if I can ever PROVE this…well the smear campaign thats about to be launched against a former lobbyist will pale by comparison to the doors I will fucking kick open. My sources need not fear that I will compromise them…it ain’t gonna happen.

Anon Writes:

I heard that Dr. York (AIM co-founder) is no longer a part of AIM – any idea why, and if not maybe one of your readers would know?

I’d love to know more about this….anyone?


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Sue The Bastids:

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