Steve On Anna Malle:

It is a shame that the passing of Anna was the top story [on] for only a few hours. A well known performer dies and they can’t keep it as a top story more than 2 hours. Goes right up to the Hall of Fame with the inductees getting a 5 second blip with no stage time. The only industry that doesn’t celebrate the accomplishments of the veteran performers, only what girl getting off the bus will do double anal. I don’t mean this to solely knock AVN. But, if you are going to be the industry leader and voice, you need to set the precedent. It is the performers of the past, here and who have died, that have set the way for the new talent who come now. We can do better.


I have to strongly agree with this one, in the AVN story the headline didn’t even refer to her as Anna Malle, it simmply referered to her throught the article as “Malle”. Tacky tacky tacky.

Bronx Money Master Writes:

How do ya do? Been reading your site for awhile, but I guess I just now decided to give ya an e-mail. Just got done debating (sort of) with someone about pornography and he was going off about how the Founding Fathers would be turning in their graves with how people are turning the First Amendment into a way to keep child pornography legal (what?). Anyhow, he seemed to be of the Christian-right mentality and I think he was kind of against all types of pornography non-decent and decent.

I tried arguing with him that many of the Founding Fathers weren’t Christians but rather Deist, but I don’t think he was trying to hear that. Just goes to show me that I think people in our own county are more of a threat to our freedoms than Al-Queda (they being more a threat to our safety).

Anyhow, once again, great site.
Bronx Money Master

Thanks for the kind words man, it appals me how many of the “Christians” are more in line with Islamic fundamentalism than they are with freedom. If this country is to be salvaged it will be Libertarian ideals like ours that save it.

Jeff on Devon Escortique:

This link was on Floating world:
Since the address given is in Atlanta could you check it out? Did Devon really move to Atlanta? Does she still have those hit men after you?

As most of you probably figured out, that link is a scam, Devon does escort but NOT for 350.00 an hour. and as far as I know she didn’t move here to Atlanta, but she did email me asking for my address so I presume her hit men got lost…they should be closer by now…


17760cookie-checkSteve On Anna Malle:

Steve On Anna Malle:

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