Richard Writes Again:

Dear Cap’n,
How on god’s green sea do you expect to get Adella in your boat, now that she’s seen that photo?

Well Dick I have come to the conclusion that A-dell is just another typical pornchick….I don’t think there’s any danger of Adell sowing up in Mexico Beach despite her carrying on aboput how much she and Sam want to go. A-Dell has a boyfriend now it seems and so she is all wrapped up in that…you know how pornchicks are….

Okay heres the countdown to how long it takes Adell to call me about this 10…9…8…7…6 RING!…I Knew it!

Richard Freeman Writes:

Dear Cap’n,
You need to call Sharon Mitchell & find out about getting rabies shots for that nasty fish bite of yours.
Dick Freeman

I KNEW someone was gonna write that….

Mark Kernes Disagrees With Me:

You wrote:

<< It seems that the person who refused to take the AIM sponsored STD Battery went and got it elsewhere, maybe he is wise to do so. presumeably this person is Brian Pumper>>


Look, I know you don’t particularly like AIM, but to go off on them for not speaking out about choking seems a bit disingenuous to me. Last I heard, AIM is there to take blood and piss and send it off to be tested, and occasionally they have counseling sessions that take place there for relationships and other stuff. Nowhere in their charter (which I’ve never seen, but I kinda think I’m on solid ground here) does it say anything about upgrading the types of sexual activities that get shot throughout the industry.

Hell, what’s weirder than two dicks sharing the same pussy or ass — the REAL type of “double penetration”? Even one in EACH hole strikes me as wretched excess. Your point that if someone doesn’t know that being choked can kill them was well-taken: They should seriously consider secretarial work or selling life insurance. Hopefully, one does not leave one’s brain behind when one walks on a porn set!

But that’s the main point: If you’re shooting a scene and somebody asks you to do something that makes you uncomfortable AND MAY EVEN KILL YOU, that’s the time to speak up, and no decent person will blame you for it. (Of course, if you knew what you were signing on for when you accepted the booking, that’s conceivably another story — but if you know what’s supposed to happen up front, agree to it and then back out when you’re in the clinch, I’d seriously suggest another line of work.)

I see nothing erotic about choking, but some of my (female) friends tell me they get off on it, so I’m willing to admit the possibility that my own sensibilities are off. But if a woman tried to choke ME while I was having sex with her (yeah, like THAT’s gonna happen), I’d seriously think about the future of that relationship.


Oddly enough I am not really anti AIM truth is I think they could be doing a helluva lot better job and I’m doing my part to push them to do so, after all they ARE all we’ve got. I strongly disagree with one of Mark’s points though, it is NEVER, EVER too late to change your mind about getting killed.

AIM Fucks Up Again: Apornchick Writes:

Aim also seems to misdiagnose a bit— once they told me I had PID ( this was when I was doing condom-only) and had had no outside sex for over a month ( yes — you can get it from toys pushing your own bacteria up too far, etc, even from douching but let’s just say my sex was pretty safe). I had done just one scene and told the girl I’d done the scene with— cancelled another scene. Went to see my vaginacologist who said ” who told you you had PID? There is no sign of that but you have a cyst on your ovary — it’s abnormally large and that’s what is causing your pain.” I asked him specifically about PID and any other possible STDs and he tested everything he could—found nothing but a cyst, which he kept an eye on for about a month and it went down….
Who would you trust? I trust my doctor. I asked him specifically about stds and he basically said any idiot could’ve felt that cyst (they’d sent me to their dr. who is a real dr. of course and I’m not saying he’s not qualified, but my doctor already knew me, ahem, inside and out. Hell I was in there almost every month asking about something– he finally said-=– you’re a little paranoid sweetie.
If they can diagnose someone with something they DON’T have, seems logical they might miss something they DO have. Sharon is amazingly nice. I’ve found everyone at AIM really great, but that really made me doubt them a bit– granted when I called and said something was wrong–they got me in with the dr. right away and told me not to do scenes, which is good. They told me to inform people I worked with— also good.But I didn’t have anything—
So why can’t they stop this Pumper guy from working— This is some of the seedy shit I hate about porn Mr. Mike. I’ve another story to tell you too, but I want to tell you in person and see what you think— another misdiagnosis story—just don’t want to email it– you may find it interesting though—
I’ll tell ya next week.
This business could be so great with just a little cooperation from everyone—trouble is–there are so many morons fucking it up for the cool people that
respect themselves, their bodies, and the bodies of their co-workers. Jeez–it’s not rocket-science—and you should know that!!! There’s some great
people out there– and there’s some real creeps.

This little girl is dead on the money here, I like Sharon too but bottom line is that a wrong diagnosis for any reason in inexcuseable, when it invloves the health and welfare of another. Now I realize mistakes do happen so I called an OB/Gyn and asked how easily could a rather large ovarian cyst be mistaken for PID. Her response “Only by a complete idiot” Nuff said.

8700cookie-checkRichard Writes Again:

Richard Writes Again:

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