RD makes a lot of really good points


RD makes a lot of really good points, many of which I couldn’t say better myself when he talks about the extreme nature of a lot of today’s porn.

I’m with him 100% when it comes to the things he’d rather not see in porn — multiple anal, choking, puking, gaping. But I think there are two points to keep in mind.

The first is that ten years ago they weren’t filming anal. I’ll concede that there’s probably more anal today than in the past if you watch gonzo flicks. But gonzo is a pretty new phenomenon. If you compare Vivid features today with stuff ten years ago, you’ll find that Ginger Lynn almost always did an anal scene. Ashlyn Gere did many anal scenes. Marilyn Chambers always had an anal scene in her flicks. Seka did a number of anal scenes. And as a 47-year-old guy who saw his first porn in 72 or 73, there was always an anal scene or two in the flicks that they were putting out back then in the so-called Golden Age. Heck, Deep Throat begins with a DP scene. In the last couple of months I ordered about a dozen of the titles I remembered from the days when there were still big-screen X-rated movie theaters in the town in Ohio where I grew up, and was surprised at how nasty many of the flicks that Veronica Hart, Rhonda Jo Petty, and the Golden Age gals did back then. And how dark many of them were. On the other hand, there did seem to be a real different attitude towards the actors and actresses in those movies — people seemed to be enjoying the sex. That’s one of the things I think is missing in a lot of porn today. No one seems to be enjoying it.

The second goes to his comment that too many jerks are let into the business. I wouldn’t disagree that there are too many jerks in the business putting out trash. But it ain’t a club. Anyone with a video camera and enough jack to hire actors, a crew, and pay the production and distribution costs can get into the business — just like they can enter any other business. So it really does come down to whether consumers of porn are buying the product or not.

I hate the stuff they put out — and I’ll shed no tears if the government comes down hard on Rob Black, Max Hardcore, etc. But porn is one of those businesses most in tune with it’s audience. If no one was buying it in enough volume to justify the cost, no one would put it out.

Vote with your wallets, porn viewers.

Last note — with the number of announcements of companies going under of late, it does seem as if a crowded field is getting less crowded.

Ya the fact that this stuff actually sells is somewhat disturbing but the numbers are low….way too low to support the risk they bring to us all.

As for companies going under…hey its about time….and it seems Flynt is buying up a lot of the old dinosaurs…no big loss there, but look for them to start churning out shitty comps.

The one thing we learn from history is that we learn nothinhg freom history.

Trixie Again?:

We spent all day today just bumming around and having fun, she is a good girl with a good head…I HIGHLY recommend her, but treat her right!

Sam Phillips and Adella are standing me Up:

This is the week we were all suppossed to go fishing….they aren’t coming…but Trixie did…I gotta admit I adore her…what a doll…OK Sam ya got competition now 🙂

Im out more tomorrow…live from Florida!

8210cookie-checkRD makes a lot of really good points

RD makes a lot of really good points

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