Your french google search was faked; if you look past the first 1 to 2 pages you will encounter REAL non-satire sites with the actual phrase of “‘French Military Victories”. I hope you knew this was an ongoing gag by some dirty Americans – of course. BTW, I’m American who isn’t clouded by an irrational hate of any one country, except those dirty no-good Canadians. Any such severe feelings toward anyone or any country is deep-rooted in something altogether different than the actual current topic; it doesn’t take a shrink to pick that up.

I’m dismayed that you love my hate mail. It wasn’t hate mail. I only hate those I love and naturally I’m not gonna have another one of my imaginative relationships wtih a 36-24-36. Unless of course, you – the figment of my imagination that you are – fit those dimensions.

Take a look at my REAL google search of ‘American military massacres’ (not single phrase) – as attached. It’s neverending.

And the connotation between ‘frog’ and the french is silly. They do not eat any more frogs than we do – more a result of population differences than taste. They do not look like frogs either; we – the Americans – are on average fatter and as result more likely to have those frog-like billowy folds of flesh.

Most of what I’ve said is factual – tho not entirely fact. See the difference? Whereas your satires remind me of those middle-age idiots who attend college fiction-writing “workshops”, I’m dwelling on what I know rather than what I can “workshop”. If you were humourous I would not have bothered in the beginning. Funny-looking yes, but certainly not funny.

Again this is not hate mail. It’s mail that hates you – absolutely nothing to do with me. As my negro sisters done say: talk to the hand. Or in this case: Talk to the mail.

Are you sure you aren’t Jeremy Steele? And don’t worry, it ain’t just the french, I’m an equal opportunity offender…hell I even offend myself sometimes.

7420cookie-checkPete Responds YAHOOO MORE HATE MAIL I LOVE IT:


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