Not everyone loves me like Julie rage does:

Cindi Loftus writes:

Sounds Mike, like usual, you are just trying to start trouble over nothing. If you would take the time to actually READ WHAT I WROTE you would see that I am asking the question of those in the porn industry and fans. NOT JUST PERFORMERS. I don’t think their are a lot of camera men, PR people, Writers and fans out there who don’t feel that they sell themselves a little every day to make a living. So stop trying to start your typical condescending meaningless stupid shit because you are hoping, just praying to get posted on our lameass website. I also think that if someone asked me the question ” What wouldn’t you do for a million dollars, my answer wouldn’t (I am sure many people’s answers wouldn’t) have anything to do with sex. My answer would be I won’t harm or kill an animal. As far as sex goes, since that’s what you feel this question IS all about, I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do for a million dollars, (except perhaps fuck you) That’s a shitload lot of money. And there is really nothing you would do for a million that you won’t do for ten? I’ve got a ten dollar bill and a big fat cockroach waiting for you!

Cindi Loftus
Bovine Writer/Wannabe Reporter and Critic of Anything Intelligent

Gee Cindi, save it hon, you contradict yourself in your own email, that’s OK though, Also you can save your money honey, I wouldn’t fuck you for ten dollars or a million nor did I ask you to. I got several emails about you, none were very flattering but I suppose it’s a test and I am going to choose not to publish them. While the temptation to do battle with you is certainly there, to be honest you and your buddies aren’t good enough writers, and I refuse to stoop to your level, have fun though.

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Not everyone loves me like Julie rage does:

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