Miss Arroyo HIV Positive:

This is one of the three people I had heard about 2 days ago, there is still at least one male who has reportedly tested positive. AIM is refusing to release the names, this confirmation came from Miss Arroto’s agent Dick Nasty.

Rod Wrathbone Rainwhite Writes (Now thats a mouthful):


Seeing that I can’t even hold a writing job because blowbiz has been thoroughly infiltrated by Generation X, conservative politics, tabloid press nutjobs and any and every moron who was a closet fan or pro wet dreamer before the advent of the Internet, I thought I’d offer my sentiments as to the current HIV crisis.

For starters, when disease rears its head, the backlash is just another rallying cry for unity and fairness amidst the hysteria and chaos.

This industry exercised better self control when it was run by the mob in the glory days of film. But since the mob is no longer big enough to monitor cyberspace, X needs big time legislative intervention and major government regulation.

Yes, Big Brother needs to save blowbiz…from itself.

Feds need to clean up porn and protect he/she who risk their lives in front of a camera from the greedy, unscrupulous scumbags who hog smut’s financial gravy train and let the talent eat cumshots.

You know, the crooked distributors who buy your movie and then stiff you. The shady producers who make their living writing bad checks. In short, anyone who doesn’t pay their bills and hides behind the stigma of sex and porn to excuse wrongdoing.

While dummy figurehead organizations pretend to lend a helping hand to X’s down and out, people like Buck Adams, Jon Dough and others would be dead if it were not for siblings or fellow talent.

The siege of this industry is not about survival of the sharks among us. It’s about economic justice and business ethics for all. Not just those who pull the strings. The American Way should also extend to issues of right and wrong as well as free enterprise.

The fact that sex as entertainment still has a bad name and porn is rife with social outlaws does not give raunch rogues carte blanche to pave us a carnal pathway to self destruction.

In an industry that makes billions, rank and file performers should not work just to pay the rent. That reality alone is reason enough for unions, residuals, retirement, etc.

And the latter is never more crucial than when we get sick and have no health safety net for survival.

The only argument against regulation is by fat cats who have secured a niche and only care about themselves and the bottom line.

By the way, AIDS is a druggie disease. The sex connection is just a casual lifestyle marker. Victim fatalities, from Johnny Wadd to Lisa DeLeeuw to gay porn stars were almost all hardcore dopers—with the remainder doomed to die from the toxic effects of anti-viral drugs used to bark up the wrong diagnostic tree.

Beyond the supposed deadly disease factor lies an inequitable no man’s land of independent contraction and mogul inaction. The dog eat dogged who get rich off porn could care less about who wants a level economic playing field. They worship the carnal golden calf…and to hell with the pink orgasmic sex-vid milkmen and women who fill their green porn of plenty.

Just because the business of sex in society operates in the semi-legal shadows, that doesn’t mean haves should get away with murder and take advantage of havenots in the name of our right to exist.

For if we don’t take care of our own at all levels of the porn food chain…then we don’t deserve to exist.

DWB Rings in From Thailand:

Hey Bro,
Greetings from Bangkok Thailand where I am reading your site AGAIN and running these girls through the HIV clinic like it’s my job. Well… it is my job. You can get the PCR-DNA test AND the Elisa test for less than 1/2 of what the sheep in LA pay for just one at AIM.

I have been getting some hate mail since the whole HIV thing kicked off about shooting in Thailand and how it’s not possible to test the girls there. Here are some pics of one of our girls in the clinic if you want to post them… Off my back people, these girls are more thoroughly tested than anyone in LA.



12350cookie-checkMiss Arroyo HIV Positive:

Miss Arroyo HIV Positive:

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