Perhaps you didn’t watch the 60 Minutes show where Ford specifically LIED several times about what happens in this industry and about the public’s
reaction to it. Burress does this all the time as well, which puts him and Ford (and Jan LaRue and Bruce Taylor and Don Wildmon and numerous others) in exactly the same category: Porn haters who will do and say ANYTHING to bring the industry down. It’s not a question of “remind[ing] us… that not everyone things as we do”; one can find that out by reading the daily newspapers or watching the inevitable sweeps-month TV news programming.
This is not “fair comment”; this is reactionary PROPAGANDA of the lowest sort, and the fact that you seem to find no problem with it bothers me
immensely. I have no problem with *fair* comment about the industry, as some porn-oriented websites (such as your own) do. But if you expect the industry to continue, my suggestion is that you learn to see Ford (and some others) for what they are: Anti-porn bigots who hate the very people they (in Ford’s case) try to suck up to.
Oh I watched it, I just couldn’t hear it, so Ford and Burress lie, so does Sharon Mitchell and others in porn, so it’s propoganda, we put out lots of that ourselves. Don’t get me wrong I’m not defending Luke, only his right to do it. Sure it’s despicable but let me ask a question here: Who is a bigger threat to our industry, Luke Ford, Rob Black, Khan Tusion, Max, Mary Beth Buchanon, John Ashcroft, Phil Burress? starting to see my point?
Dave Cumming has a Word:
In my personal view, Luke Ford used subjectively biased generalizations in some of his comments last night on the 60 Minutes show (e.g., his comments about porn being more acceptable lately for 18-25 year olds but that people his age of 37 and up find it shameful; that most girls do only one filming and quit because they find it so painful, horrifying, embarrassing, and humiliating for them that they never do it again; and, something about that if a pornographer slept in one’s home, the owner would want to burn the sheets the next morning)—-I’m appalled that any entity or person continues to read or considers Ford a “legitimate” news source, instead of seeing him as someone with significant personal appraisals that slant many of his comments. In my view, he is and has been a HUGE negative against the Adult Film Industry and the Adult Internet business. I’m amazed and dis-heartened that he’s still allowed access to people and events in these two All-American arenas.
Just my opinion.
Well, here’s my cut on it, Luke and everyone else are entitled to thier opinions and certainly to air them if they are asked, even if they are ill informed. Luke does what every other mainstream journalist tends to do to slant things to his/her own view, he takes a broad general statement and tries to apply it as a sweeping indictmentwhen even he knows it isn’t so.
We in porn tend to have a LOT of tunnel vision, the microcosm in which we live and work tends to be all that exists to us, we start thinking that everyone else thinks the same as we do and as such we become just as guilty and as out of touch as Luke is.
Luke Ford is actually valuable to us in some ways because he tends to remind us, from within, that not everyone thinks as we do.
I have no problem with Luke Ford, or Phil Burress or anyone else speaking his mind but when he attempts to abridge my freedom by force, thats when I will fight.
Luke Ford Gone Again:
Luke’s last bit for setgo was on friday, but he will resurface at a new site owned by – It isn’t up as of this writing though. Word is Setgo is for sale, problem is without Ford, it ain’t worth much.
60 Minutes:
Word is we actually got a reasonably fair shake on 60 Minutes last night, I was in Hooters with a chick so I only saw it, couldn’t hear it. Amoung the faces I recognized were Paul Fishbein, Luke Ford, Bill Lyon, Patrick Collins, Jenna, of course Rob “Fuckin it up for everyone” Black.
As noted a few days ago John Ashcroft refused an interview opting instead to put Mary Beth Buchanon in front of the camera.
1022150cookie-checkMark Kernes Rings in on Ford:no
Mark Kernes Rings in on Ford:
Perhaps you didn’t watch the 60 Minutes show where Ford specifically LIED several times about what happens in this industry and about the public’s
reaction to it. Burress does this all the time as well, which puts him and Ford (and Jan LaRue and Bruce Taylor and Don Wildmon and numerous others) in exactly the same category: Porn haters who will do and say ANYTHING to bring the industry down. It’s not a question of “remind[ing] us… that not everyone things as we do”; one can find that out by reading the daily newspapers or watching the inevitable sweeps-month TV news programming.
This is not “fair comment”; this is reactionary PROPAGANDA of the lowest sort, and the fact that you seem to find no problem with it bothers me
immensely. I have no problem with *fair* comment about the industry, as some porn-oriented websites (such as your own) do. But if you expect the industry to continue, my suggestion is that you learn to see Ford (and some others) for what they are: Anti-porn bigots who hate the very people they (in Ford’s case) try to suck up to.
Oh I watched it, I just couldn’t hear it, so Ford and Burress lie, so does Sharon Mitchell and others in porn, so it’s propoganda, we put out lots of that ourselves. Don’t get me wrong I’m not defending Luke, only his right to do it. Sure it’s despicable but let me ask a question here: Who is a bigger threat to our industry, Luke Ford, Rob Black, Khan Tusion, Max, Mary Beth Buchanon, John Ashcroft, Phil Burress? starting to see my point?
Dave Cumming has a Word:
In my personal view, Luke Ford used subjectively biased generalizations in some of his comments last night on the 60 Minutes show (e.g., his comments about porn being more acceptable lately for 18-25 year olds but that people his age of 37 and up find it shameful; that most girls do only one filming and quit because they find it so painful, horrifying, embarrassing, and humiliating for them that they never do it again; and, something about that if a pornographer slept in one’s home, the owner would want to burn the sheets the next morning)—-I’m appalled that any entity or person continues to read or considers Ford a “legitimate” news source, instead of seeing him as someone with significant personal appraisals that slant many of his comments. In my view, he is and has been a HUGE negative against the Adult Film Industry and the Adult Internet business. I’m amazed and dis-heartened that he’s still allowed access to people and events in these two All-American arenas.
Just my opinion.
Well, here’s my cut on it, Luke and everyone else are entitled to thier opinions and certainly to air them if they are asked, even if they are ill informed. Luke does what every other mainstream journalist tends to do to slant things to his/her own view, he takes a broad general statement and tries to apply it as a sweeping indictmentwhen even he knows it isn’t so.
We in porn tend to have a LOT of tunnel vision, the microcosm in which we live and work tends to be all that exists to us, we start thinking that everyone else thinks the same as we do and as such we become just as guilty and as out of touch as Luke is.
Luke Ford is actually valuable to us in some ways because he tends to remind us, from within, that not everyone thinks as we do.
I have no problem with Luke Ford, or Phil Burress or anyone else speaking his mind but when he attempts to abridge my freedom by force, thats when I will fight.
Luke Ford Gone Again:
Luke’s last bit for setgo was on friday, but he will resurface at a new site owned by – It isn’t up as of this writing though. Word is Setgo is for sale, problem is without Ford, it ain’t worth much.
60 Minutes:
Word is we actually got a reasonably fair shake on 60 Minutes last night, I was in Hooters with a chick so I only saw it, couldn’t hear it. Amoung the faces I recognized were Paul Fishbein, Luke Ford, Bill Lyon, Patrick Collins, Jenna, of course Rob “Fuckin it up for everyone” Black.
As noted a few days ago John Ashcroft refused an interview opting instead to put Mary Beth Buchanon in front of the camera.
Mark Kernes Rings in on Ford:
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