Jay Moyes Writes:

Salutations Mike,
I learned a hard lesson in 2000. After years of supporting third party canidates, I felt ashamed of myself for helping propel into office one of the most incompetent leaders the United States has had in over 100 years.Michael Moore had helped me make the awful decision. His endorsement of

Ralph Nader was the final argument that led to my vote for a third party candidate. In hindsight, the folly is obvious. In 2004, I sat in the AVN offices after five, watching every debate with eager, hungry eyes. Co-workers could not understand why I was so serious that Kerry had to win the election. The lesson I learned is that in selecting a leader, I’m not making a statement, I’m choosing a future. That future doesn’t come from wild promises (by golly how many wild promises we see in this industry, our boss at SLLAB was full of them). The future comes from a group of people that honestly believe in a stable, solid future, with honest and sincere commitment. Comparing the last eight years of Bush, and the last eight years of Clinton, I believe our future lies with the Democrats.

Had Kerry won, we would have honestly fair trade with China, a withdrawal from Iraq, diplomatic reconstruction in the Middle East, and a recovery of our military strength to deal with real strategic threats. It would have appeared to be a mediocre time of uneventful progress. However, our president is not our nation’s glory. Our people’s progress and achievements are.

The race of dark horses is amazing, we have Huckabee, Ron Paul, Kucinch. Those betting on these dark horses are even more amazing to watch. Makes me nostalgic for the days my friends volunteered to work the Perot campaigns. Folly can be such an amusing thing. My vote is going to the Democrats. I don’t care who, I don’t care why.

Personally, I like Clinton, Obama, and Edwards, heck, even Kucinch seems ok. Ron Paul even seems like he’d make a nice Democrat. These folks will be the blank canvas we paint the picture of our nation’s future on, not the rotted tatters on the gilded frame the Republicans have given us. I have learned from my many follies and am serious of making things right.
My best wishes always to you.

Of course I respect and understand Jay’s opinion but I also disagree, I can’t vote for a candidate simply because of party affiliation, I vote for the one who earns my vote regardless who he or she is. I voted Libertarian in the last several elections and I don’t regret that vote and I don’t think I helped put the current idiot in the White House. Don’t blame me I didn’t vote for the asshole.

I don’t like the Republicans or the Democrats quite honestly, both advocate a nanny state, neither is on record as supporting mmy right to make a living in adult. On the one hand I don’t think the economy of this country can support and war on something intangibile but it can’t support nationalized healthcare either, think about it…Name two things that the government does well.  Now do you REALLY want to entrust your healthcare to the same people that run the post office? the drivers license bureau, social security, the educational system, the FBI, The IRS, the FDA….the list goes on.

I hate the democrats hands in my pockets and I hate the republicans nose in my fucking personal life.

 I think we need to develop our own natural resources….drill in ANWAR for Gods sake, the fucking Caribbou will cope. We need to build some refineries and bring nuclear power up to date and back on line.

We need to stop sending money to governments who hate us and we need to stop borrowing money from governments who hate us. 

All of these are strongly conservative viewpoints, but on the other hand if you come into this country and work and pay taxes and become good law abiding citizens we should welcome you, we should not subsidize you or help you or feed you and your kids, but we shouldn’t do that anyway, that is the role of a charity not a government.

Healthcare should be affordable, there is no reason why I should be able to get health insurance through an employer for 1/8 what it would cost me to get identical insurance as an individual. Healthcare should NOT be nationalized but it MUST be reformed and the place to start is with insurance companies. 

What adults do in the privacy of their own home should be between them, ditto what a woman does with her body. Abortion is an issue between a woman and her God, not between her and the federal government.

So in the end what am I to do?  I feel strongly about some republican points and I feel strongly about some Democratic points.  Now if you read this and said right on South….look at the Libertarian Party because THAT is who probably best represents you.

18100cookie-checkJay Moyes Writes:

Jay Moyes Writes:

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4 Responses

  1. I’m so glad you answered that. I was about to go into orbit and it’s just too fucking early. LOL

    The whole idea that the Republicans (Bush in particular) have ruined the Country is a prime example of the thought process which is in fact destroying the Nation.

    As a Nation, we have steadily abdicated our “Rights”, on all levels – Personal, Local & State – to the Federal Government. Relinquishing our personal responsibilities to a bureaucracy which is dismal at best.
    As a child all we want to do is be Grown Up. So grow the fuck up. Be a Man or Woman and accept the responsibilities that go with it and QUIT BEGGING FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU.

  2. The whole idea that the Republicans (Bush in particular) have ruined the Country is a prime example of the thought process which is in fact destroying the Nation.

    Stop listening to pundits. The country is at its worst since the depression and your team has had the ball.

  3. Not my team. No one will let “my team” play. Fact is I’m not really on a “Team”. I’m for personal responsibility and free trade. Objectivist, Libertarian. You should try it. Lot’s of work though and you piss off damn near everyone. Course I try to look at that as a perk. LOL

  4. “Had Kerry won, we would have honestly fair trade with China, a withdrawal from Iraq, diplomatic reconstruction in the Middle East, and a recovery of our military strength to deal with real strategic threats…”

    Christ, this reads like the 30 second interviews they do with the Miss America contestants. Hello, I’ve got some news for you. John Kerry is a corporate statist, just like G.W. Bush. Go ahead, buy into the Clinton/Obama/Edwards faux populism and see what that gets you. Some people are gluttons for punishment.

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