From Justin Peterson at

I’m an adult Admin and a friend of a former Hustler employee and model Megan Serbian. I’ve met you guys at Internext and parties etc. I thought you might like to know that Megan recently died after falling from a fourth floor balcony adjacent to her apartment. She was fairly well known in the business although she did not do much modeling. The circumstances surrounding her death are initially considered to be suicide. Regardless, there is an open homicide investigation. Details of her death/suicide are mysterious and expect to hear from Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department detectives shortly. Here is what I have heard to date:

She died at approximately 8 AM on 1-7-2002. Her last phone call was to a close friend and I have yet to speak with her.

She landed feet first on the hood of a car and bounced in to the street in front of her apartment in West Hollywood. This is not the normal way one commits suicide, thus the investigation.

It has been heard that she may have been under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Her roommate claims that she was acting irrationally prior to her death.

I am following up on this and should have more details soon. Many of her close friends do not believe that she would commit suicide. I personally feel the same.

1360cookie-checkFrom Justin Peterson at

From Justin Peterson at

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