Felicia Fox Writes:

Felicia Fox Comments on the Current Situation

I am disgusted by the industry’s reaction to the HIV situation. Who would’ve thought that Mary Carey, who has cancelled all of her scenes including the girl/girl ones, would wind up being smarter than so many people in the biz?

I’ve always been very proud to be a small part of the adult film industry. Anytime anyone has attacked the industry around me, or insulted me for being associated with it, I’m always there to defend us, to say how responsible we all are, how we all get tested every 30 days, how safe we are and how much we look after our own health and that of our co-workers. Blah Blah Blah.

Now here we are in a life-or-death situation, with people that we know and love and work with who could possibly be carrying a deadly disease without even knowing it, and yet people CONTINUE TO SHOOT. 2nd and 3rd generation performers, who know for a FACT that they may have been exposed, are still shooting.

WHY? Can you people not see the absolute ignorance of what you are doing???

Let’s go over what we know so far. Two performers have tested positive for HIV, a man and a woman.




If you are out there, and you are shooting, will you PLEASE STOP, and give Sharon a chance to do her work, and let the 2nd and 3rd generations get retested, and give everything a chance to settle down? For god’s sake, people — this isn’t brain surgery. Let’s all do everything we can to keep ourselves and our friends and loved ones in the business as safe and healthy as possible.

We all know this is a high-risk business that we’re in — let’s not make it any riskier.

Felicia Fox

Well so Much for the Moratorium:

I have confirmation that 2 performers worked Yesterday who know themselves to be indirect exposures, that in and of itself doesn’t surprise me, what surprises me is that the company that they shot for was one of the first to declare a 60 day moratorium on shooting.

“Everything Is Under Control”, Hal 9000 “2001 A Space Odyssey”, 2004 Sharon Mitchell

I love how Sharon states on CNN that we have everything under control what part exactly is under control?

We have no idea who infected whom or when, we have no idea who has been directly and indirectly exposed, hell we dont even know how to calculate the right time frame to test. Great Just Great can anyone say Peter Principle?

Dynasty NOT Positive AVN Admits Mistake.

“Dynasty has not been diagnosed as HIV-positive, as a confusing paragraph in a story posted on AVN.com on Friday evening has lead some to believe. “

Dynasty also HIV Positive?:

As was reported here last night AVN has said that 2 girls have tested positive and indicatedDynasty was the second girl. Now New Age is also saying that dynasty has tested positive, this may just be carry over from an editorial mistake at AVN, lets hope so, but if Dynasty has tested positive AVN is being very slow about releasing this info.

Concerned Reader Writes:

Didn’t Laura Roxxx and Darren James work together in Canada in Ffebruary? Isn’t itpossible that Roxxx infected James?:

Yes and I have pointed out this possibility but it falls on deaf ears because it is far more important to AIM to avoid embarrassment than it is to get it right. Yes they did work together in February in Canad, thats why Laura went to them first when she got here to the US.

EH Writes:

I know its probably been a crazy time for all those in pornland. I’m a little more removed, as I am a law student preparing for exams. I follow the adult industry loosely as i am specializing in constitutional issues as well as criminal law. The HIV watch is scary for many reasons. Beyond peoples lives being lost, there is an industry at stake. The health department’s possible infringement would be a huge constitutional violation. On the real side though, they could try mandate some kind of governing body to administer the testing. One of the major issues in Government infringement cases is that the Government cites a lack of alternatives. It is always better for the institution the Government is trying to infringe upon to have a sort of “pre-emptive strike” and remedy the situation themselves. Courts have a hard time finding for Government infringement when a viable alternative can or has been imposed.
The industry’s lack of uniformity is a problem (can you get uniformity in this biz?). People better decide how they feel about Sharon Mitchell and AIM real quick, before Mr. Bush and the gang pick someone for them. I am neutral about Ms. Mitchell (After staying up for a week on red bull, adderall and ritalin to study for a law degree, I really cannot call her Dr. or PhD for some bullshit education she did in 3 months), but she is trying, which is more that I can say for a lot of others. Anyway, as a lover of free speech, law, porn, sex (not to mention beautiful 19 year old girls sticking dildos in each other anally), I hope the situation is remedied. I would be interested to hear how the power brokers in the industry are feeling.

A Second Female HIV Positive?: This from AVN.com

“Since word broke of James HIV-positive status, two women have been confirmed by AIM as HIV-positive. Dynasty, a veteran female performer, was added to the first-generation “A” list April 15 when it was discovered she performed in a scene with James on March 25, one day after he had performed with Lara Roxx, who has since tested positive for the virus. “

This seems to indicate that performer Dynasty has been confirmed as HIV positive but it is ambiguous. It does state that “two women” have been confirmed HIV positive. Till now we had only heard about Laura Roxxx

AIM Begins To Back Pedal, Apparently Someone is Reading What I am Saying: From AVN.com

“It is not known at this time if Roxx contracted HIV from James, but it has been assumed by most to be the case. “

Tom Asks:

Are you going to shut down production for 60 days as AIM and AVN are suggesting?

Honestly, no, I have no reason to. My talent does not come from the L.A. Talent pool, there is no reason at all for me to interrupt my business. I would not use performers from L.A. except possibly I would use girls for southernbukkake.com but thats it.

If I were L.A. based or shooting L.A. based talent, thats a tough call. It’s very unrealistic to expect people to have no income for 60 days and those people include company owners. Ask yourself this could you survive with no income for 60 days, most of us can’t. I would probably try to diversify a bit or something if I were there but I can’t honestly speculate because thats a hard question with no good answers.

I feel for the talent and for the company owners, the lighting guys, the caterers, the make up people…this is going to effect everyone in porn, the only reason it isn’t going to affect me very much is because I shifted to the internet long ago, my income primarily comes from my websites now.

This industry as we know it is now forever changed, it will be both bad and good, but that it has changed is absolute.

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Felicia Fox Writes:

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