Mr. South
I find your last public post about my reply in which you smeared my reputation with tainted lies reprehensible. I tried to reason with you directly and at least act like and adult and yet you pull a stunt like this. Because of your lies and propaganda, my reputation has been damaged. But then again I expected that from someone like you. I am asking you as a civil adult to removal your lines where I am a “stalker” from your website or I will be forced to take action.
And quite a few others got it, of course that contract girl was Serenity, I always said porn needed more girls like her and I think that now more than ever.
It reminded me of one in particular, lets see if you know who she is.
Chris (Sports Swami) Has Lost What Little Mind He Has:
Mr. South
I find your last public post about my reply in which you smeared my reputation with tainted lies reprehensible. I tried to reason with you directly and at least act like and adult and yet you pull a stunt like this. Because of your lies and propaganda, my reputation has been damaged. But then again I expected that from someone like you. I am asking you as a civil adult to removal your lines where I am a “stalker” from your website or I will be forced to take action.
Is it just me or is this guy in the running for dumbass of the year, there is no reference to him being a stalker on this site nor has there been. Funny he should bring up that particular word though cuz that’s exactly how one porn chick described him.
OK Tod, Kevin, Steve, Tim, Carly:
And quite a few others got it, of course that contract girl was Serenity, I always said porn needed more girls like her and I think that now more than ever.
With All The Hoopla On Contract Girls:
It reminded me of one in particular, lets see if you know who she is.
She was contracted to one of the big 3
She never fucked anyone to get her contract, nor did she date one of their directors.
She was always where she was suppossed to be, when she was suppossed to be there.
She never did drugs, she didn’t get fucked up in any way at any industry event.
She never dated washed up musicians.
She never had to have a babysitter/PR person travel with her to make sure she didn’t fuck up.
She always dressed in a classy and appropriate manner and was gracious and pleasant to her fans
Who is she?
Chris (Sports Swami) Has Lost What Little Mind He Has:
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