BT Writes:

Okay, Mike, I’m not a rocket scientist, but apparently Tara Moon is. Happened to see an interview with her on Luke’s site, where she claims she got a degree in engineering and aerospace from MIT many Moons ago (yes, pun intended). She also has a couple of semesters or years of Med School under her belt. But, she really does like porn.

Hey, for all I know she is an MIT grad. At least she spelled it correctly. And maybe porn really does beat rocket science as a career. In either you get to shoot the moon and look at moons.

But, have you ever noticed that in porn girl interviews, they almost all claim to have been high school nerds; president of the science club; and all they did was study until they discovered porn and broke out of their shells?


Have no fear, I actually shot Chante(only in Canada)/Tara back around 95 or so and I have her real name. I also have a loyal reader who can verify IF and when she attended MIT. Anyone wanna make a bet on the outcome of that?


SimplyJimmyD Simply Boring:

Last year I named him the funniest blogger on the web, this year he got religion and cut his hair and apparently it has affected his sense of humor. He used to be the funniest fucker in porn (Quaze is funny to but he rarely has anything to say anymore). Grow your hair back out JimmyD and don’t let the bible thumpers steal your sharp wit. I look forward to a laugh when I read your site.

At the rate yer going Goddess is gonna win this year.

That oughtta get him going….

There’s a Bidding War Going On Over Mike Moz:

Seems half of Porn Valley is ready to hire him to be a Director. One unnamed company owner says “He has a wealth of experience, he has been in the biz since October and has paid his dues.”

Another says “We hear he is a genius with a camera, we are going to put him right up there with the seasoned professionals Like Ashley Blue and Cindy Crawford”

Yet another says “Not since Michael Raven have we seen a better name, we have faith that the name Mike Moz alone will sell thousands of tapes. He may not have as much experience as we’d like but he had as much as Michael Raven did when he came into the biz and a cool name is worth a bunch.”

“Moz is contemporary and hip, I have been following his career in the biz since the begining, for a black man he has done well for himself, overcoming the racial roadblocks common in this business”

When I asked Moz about all this, he had this to say “OK South just between us…what exactly does a director do?”

Damn he IS more qualified than half the people in Porn Valley who call themselves a Director…he doesn’t hesitate to ask for help…Good luck Mikey.


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