Good morning, Mike: I just read your note on Jesse Jane and couldn’t help but feel the same twinge of pain that you expressed. I’m just discovering her stuff — yeah, I’ve seen her boxes but never rented them before reading about her on your site. And she’s both cute as a button and hot. So, like you, I’m hoping she doesn’t come to a bad end. But doesn’t that seem to be what happens to too many young beautiful porn girls.
And speaking of Tera, what’s happened with her come back. Much flurry of news, then nada. Or have I missed something?
I think Tera is going to find her time has passed, at least on film. Too many girls think they’re going to be the next Jenna, and there is only one Jenna. Doesn’t do much for me, but she’s a force of nature, no doubt.
From what I hear Tera and Evan did their first scene for her Vivid contract and Evan had major wood problems….no real surprise there. I agree her time has past…have you seen her pictures lately? She looks more like an Asian Street Hooker than the exotic hottie she once was.
Wow, things have sure taken a turn…..LOTS Happening Now:
Missing Model:
We have a missing model from Toronto, Canada. Her stage name is Taylor Summer. She was last seen in Conshohocken, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia, about 1 week ago. She has been in the business for about 5 years, and does travel alone most of the time. According to what the photographer has divulged, she was at a shoot in Conshohocken and when it was over, she went to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat. She left her car at the photographer’s house and never returned for it. It was locked and still contained her belongings. Her and her purse have not been seen in over a week.
This is one of the links to her photos from a portfolio that I found online with her stats.
The police have been contacted and as of today, they still have nothing to go on. Please, If anyone has seen her, or knows of her whereabouts, do contact the police, or me at [email protected] or [email protected] if you don’t feel comfortable talking to the police.
This is a good reason why girls should NOT go to any shoots without a male escort with them. So, for the photographers and videographers that who don’t want the escorts there, please reconsider for the safety of the models, even if you are very professional. It is a security measure for the girls to be safe.
Another Scumbag Identified:
Autumn Rayne Writes:
(First Email)
Do you know anybody by the name of Don Ferguson (supposedly works with vivid)?
(Follow up)
He called me from (386) 212-2846 last night saying he was with Vivid(Don Ferguson) and they had seen my resume and pix on and that they were interested in casting me for a film, because they are always looking for new faces.(arent they all)?? This film was supposed to be a storyline about a stepmother raising 2 stepdaughters after thier father is killed in a car wreck.
(Next Email)
There was supposed a scene shot (like a “mall” scene) where I am groped by a woman and a man at a “mall concert” and that would be a scene or 2.
Then a scene spanking one step-daughter while the other one watches, another catching a step daughter having sex with her boyfriend, yada, yada.
(Next Email)
He said I would be tested at AIM (duh, ya think?) and that I would be paid $1150.00 a scene and that I had 8 scenes.
(Next Email)
I am fairly certain that he is full of shit as he said I would also be shooting a scene with Jenna LMAO!!
Said he is going to call me tonight or that the producer “LEELA” would be calling
(Next Email, after she called Vivid))
Guys name at Vivid was schyler or something like that he said that they have been getting reports on “Don ferguson” for quite a while now.
(Next Email)
Ok so idiot calls me (Don Ferguson)
He says “You Got the Part!!!!!”
he says that Leela Walker (vivid producer LOL) will be emailing me with contracts, forms, etc (Yeah right) and that I will be paid $9200.00 for my role. Plus expences paid.
Here’s hoping Vivid can make good use of this info and put a stop to this shit, If anyone at Vivid sees this and needs anything else from Autumn of myself, contect me via email or phone.
Last But Not Least:
It has been widely reported that Digital Playground Contract Girl Jesse Jane is A) Broke, B) Hooking and C) Strung out on drugs. I can’t say for certain that any of this is true or not. I spent a lot of time with Jesse the last couple of weeks, and I have never seen her do drugs of any kind, when I bought her drinks, she drank Red Bull. She never asked me for money nor did she proposition me for sex in exchange for money.
Jesse is my friend and I am duty bound to defend her until she is proven guilty, but even at that I find all of these allegations to be highly unlikely, I certainly hope there is no truth to them.
Is she broke and unhappy with DP? Not that I saw or heard, certainly not broke, unhappy, nope, I am sure that the leeches in this biz have pumped her head full of what would have happened if she had signed with them instead, yada yada, but look at the source….Of course she is going to hear that stuff, just like Tera did ….now that Jesse’s star is rising, thanks to hard work on her part and Digital Playgrounds part, everyone wants a piece of Jesse Jane.
As for the drugs and hooking….Jesse, has taken to hanging out with a “lesbian” who is well known to keep half of Porn Valley in “snow” and other recreational substances, someone who also helps hook up certain girls with very high dollar tricks. Is it guilt by association or is it a case of where theres smoke theres fire? I honestly don’t know. Part of me wants to call Jesse and ask her, another part of me would be embarrassed to do so.
One thing I think Jesse is learning the hard way….When you lay down with dogs, people are going to think you have fleas whether you do or not. Choose your friends wisely when you are at the top, because way too many people want to take you down. I hope this one turns out to be more fction than fact.
1189150cookie-checkBob Writes:no
Bob Writes:
Good morning, Mike: I just read your note on Jesse Jane and couldn’t help but feel the same twinge of pain that you expressed. I’m just discovering her stuff — yeah, I’ve seen her boxes but never rented them before reading about her on your site. And she’s both cute as a button and hot. So, like you, I’m hoping she doesn’t come to a bad end. But doesn’t that seem to be what happens to too many young beautiful porn girls.
And speaking of Tera, what’s happened with her come back. Much flurry of news, then nada. Or have I missed something?
I think Tera is going to find her time has passed, at least on film. Too many girls think they’re going to be the next Jenna, and there is only one Jenna. Doesn’t do much for me, but she’s a force of nature, no doubt.
From what I hear Tera and Evan did their first scene for her Vivid contract and Evan had major wood problems….no real surprise there. I agree her time has past…have you seen her pictures lately? She looks more like an Asian Street Hooker than the exotic hottie she once was.
Wow, things have sure taken a turn…..LOTS Happening Now:
Missing Model:
We have a missing model from Toronto, Canada. Her stage name is Taylor Summer. She was last seen in Conshohocken, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia, about 1 week ago. She has been in the business for about 5 years, and does travel alone most of the time. According to what the photographer has divulged, she was at a shoot in Conshohocken and when it was over, she went to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat. She left her car at the photographer’s house and never returned for it. It was locked and still contained her belongings. Her and her purse have not been seen in over a week.
This is one of the links to her photos from a portfolio that I found online with her stats.
The police have been contacted and as of today, they still have nothing to go on. Please, If anyone has seen her, or knows of her whereabouts, do contact the police, or me at [email protected] or [email protected] if you don’t feel comfortable talking to the police.
This is a good reason why girls should NOT go to any shoots without a male escort with them. So, for the photographers and videographers that who don’t want the escorts there, please reconsider for the safety of the models, even if you are very professional. It is a security measure for the girls to be safe.
Another Scumbag Identified:
Autumn Rayne Writes:
(First Email)
Do you know anybody by the name of Don Ferguson (supposedly works with vivid)?
(Follow up)
He called me from (386) 212-2846 last night saying he was with Vivid(Don Ferguson) and they had seen my resume and pix on and that they were interested in casting me for a film, because they are always looking for new faces.(arent they all)?? This film was supposed to be a storyline about a stepmother raising 2 stepdaughters after thier father is killed in a car wreck.
(Next Email)
There was supposed a scene shot (like a “mall” scene) where I am groped by a woman and a man at a “mall concert” and that would be a scene or 2.
Then a scene spanking one step-daughter while the other one watches, another catching a step daughter having sex with her boyfriend, yada, yada.
(Next Email)
He said I would be tested at AIM (duh, ya think?) and that I would be paid $1150.00 a scene and that I had 8 scenes.
(Next Email)
I am fairly certain that he is full of shit as he said I would also be shooting a scene with Jenna LMAO!!
Said he is going to call me tonight or that the producer “LEELA” would be calling
(Next Email, after she called Vivid))
Guys name at Vivid was schyler or something like that he said that they have been getting reports on “Don ferguson” for quite a while now.
(Next Email)
Ok so idiot calls me (Don Ferguson)
He says “You Got the Part!!!!!”
he says that Leela Walker (vivid producer LOL) will be emailing me with contracts, forms, etc (Yeah right) and that I will be paid $9200.00 for my role. Plus expences paid.
Here’s hoping Vivid can make good use of this info and put a stop to this shit, If anyone at Vivid sees this and needs anything else from Autumn of myself, contect me via email or phone.
Last But Not Least:
It has been widely reported that Digital Playground Contract Girl Jesse Jane is A) Broke, B) Hooking and C) Strung out on drugs. I can’t say for certain that any of this is true or not. I spent a lot of time with Jesse the last couple of weeks, and I have never seen her do drugs of any kind, when I bought her drinks, she drank Red Bull. She never asked me for money nor did she proposition me for sex in exchange for money.
Jesse is my friend and I am duty bound to defend her until she is proven guilty, but even at that I find all of these allegations to be highly unlikely, I certainly hope there is no truth to them.
Is she broke and unhappy with DP? Not that I saw or heard, certainly not broke, unhappy, nope, I am sure that the leeches in this biz have pumped her head full of what would have happened if she had signed with them instead, yada yada, but look at the source….Of course she is going to hear that stuff, just like Tera did ….now that Jesse’s star is rising, thanks to hard work on her part and Digital Playgrounds part, everyone wants a piece of Jesse Jane.
As for the drugs and hooking….Jesse, has taken to hanging out with a “lesbian” who is well known to keep half of Porn Valley in “snow” and other recreational substances, someone who also helps hook up certain girls with very high dollar tricks. Is it guilt by association or is it a case of where theres smoke theres fire? I honestly don’t know. Part of me wants to call Jesse and ask her, another part of me would be embarrassed to do so.
One thing I think Jesse is learning the hard way….When you lay down with dogs, people are going to think you have fleas whether you do or not. Choose your friends wisely when you are at the top, because way too many people want to take you down. I hope this one turns out to be more fction than fact.
Bob Writes:
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