A Viable Option To provide Free Testing For Talent And Producers

I have suggested this idea several times in the past and it came up in my comments and I really do think that it should be examined as a way to provide performers with Free testing.

Jilted Writes:

The porn industry is missing a huge opportunity to cover the cost of performer testing. There is no debate that the antibiotic resistant gonorrhea has the potential to become a huge health risk, not just for porners, but the entire world.
The porn industry would be a perfect pool of people to conduct tests for new antibiotics, or combinations of existing drugs to fight the new super gonnorrhea. You have hundreds of very sexaully active people, testing frequentl, and frequently testing positive for gonnorrhea. There is no doubt that some pharmacutical company would love to have this perfect “experiment” to do their research, and they would pay big bucks for the opportnity, probably more than enough to pay for all testing and treatment. DO YOU HEAR THAT PRODUCERS, YOU CAN GET OFF THE HOOK FOR PAYING FOR TESTING!!!!

But here is why it will never happen. If the industry participated in a trial like this, the statistics would be made public, and as I have said before, the one thing the industry will guard and try to keep secret, above all else, is the true rate of std’s in the industry.

Of course TTS or CET could make a deal with a pharmaceutical company and the FSC couldnt do anything about it, except maybe no longer accept them in the PASS system, which would really show the true colors of the FSC.

And lurking Reader Followed up with this:

Maybe UCLA is still doing this study that would not only cover all testing but pay for participation?

August, 9, 2012 – Miami, FL – Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS) announces a partnership program with the University of California, Los Angeles for a sexual health study. Conducted by UCLA researchers, the study is designed to examine the presence of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in urine, rectal and throat test samples. Any current or new TTS clients may opt in to receive the free additional testing and will be compensated $40.00 for participation and $10 for each additional person that participates via their referral. All testing is completely confidential.

Interested clients will be processed as follows:

1. Go to the Northridge, California office.
2. Opt in to participate in the study.
3. Read and sign an Informed Consent Form (ICF).
4. Samples will be collected.
5. Complete a brief electronic questionnaire on a tablet (i.e. i-Pad)
6. Receive a US $40.00 gift card.

Participants who test positive for Gonorrhea or Chlamydia will be provided with treatment supervised by a physician at no cost.

This partnership supports TTS’s ongoing commitment to the most advanced infectious molecular testing for the adult industry. Since 2006, TTS has offered testing for HIV RNA via the FDA approved PCR test that detects the presence of the HIV virus earlier than all other tests. The company offers affordable testing options including a Basic Panel (HIV, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea) for $110, and a Full Panel (HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C) for $150.

Talent Testing Service, Inc. caters to their clients by providing the most up-to-date technology. The company uses QR Codes for validating printed test results, as well as a convenient mobile page for verification of authenticity on-demand and access to actual test results. Producers/Agents as well as Talents are provided with a personal online dashboard that provides access to historical and most recent testing information. Furthermore, Talents can set up automatic reminders for next test dates.

About Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS)
Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS) provides safe, courteous, affordable, and convenient talent testing through wholly owned subsidiaries or collaborating sites. Since 2006, TTS has provided the most advanced infectious molecular testing for the adult industry. TTS is a privately held company with headquarters in Miami, Florida and a subsidiary office in Los Angeles, CA.

[email protected]
Miami, FL (Headquarters) (305) 792 2090 / Los Angeles (818) 885 0812
Twitter: @talenttesting
Facebook: facebook.com/talenttestingservice

I remember this UCLA program and i remember encouraging people TO participate, it looks good all the way around when we do, you get free testing and treatment, the industry gets good press because we are participating in efforts to provide better treatments and all that.  The problem is though that the people who suggested you DONT participate (Like the FSC) were concerned, as jilted pointed out, that the true STD rates in the industry would come out.  It wasnt a privacy issue  the study would have revealed NO personal info with MUCH better security of the data than PASS has.

Jilted is also correct in that Pharmaceutical companies as well as University studies and others would pay well for access to data in our industry and I am told that at least one currently has a standing offer to do so.  We should be taking advantage of this, it would go a long way towards solving some of the problems we face today.

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A Viable Option To provide Free Testing For Talent And Producers

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