A letter from a reader on The Tera Patrick Show:

Hi Mike, I just finished reading your comments about the Tera Show and I totally agree with everything you’ve said about the program. A few months ago, out of curiosity, I watched a broadcast of the Tera Show; nearly two hours later, I wondered why I had bothered. First of all, I have a cable modem, but the sound and image quality were so poor, I felt as if I was watching it on a 28k modem. Secondly, Tera’s relentless ass-kissing grated on my nerves after about ten minutes, and her inability to allow her guests to answer a question without interrupting them irritated me even more. (Why did I suffer through all of that? Because I thought a certain newcomer to the industry was going to be the featured “Video Vixen of the Week”, only to discover 1 hour and 15 minutes later that it was someone else.) When the show finally ended, I felt brain-dead and cursed myself for wasting two hours of my life on that drivel.

I feel that the show definitely needs to be shorter–like, one hour instead of two. It also needs more of an “edge”, but I’m aware that Digital Playground is too PR-friendly to step on anyone’s toes. Tera, while attractive and charming, needs to hone her interviewing skills or, as it’s been suggested, have a co-host who will keep her from getting off-track. I’m not tech-savvy, so I don’t know how the sound/video quality could be improved, but those things do need to be vastly improved.

Anyway, that’s just my opinion, for the $.02 it’s worth.

 I appreciate you taking the time to write and I must say that your response is exactly the same response I have gotten from others, several have asked me why i don’t drop the show if the standards are not up to the quality of my site. I am considering doing exactly that but I want to hear from some more of you first, should I drop the Tera Show or keep it? bear in mind it doesn’t cost me anything, all it does is that it does not live up to my quality standards. So lets hear from y’all…kick Tera to the curb or keep her around what should it be?

2480cookie-checkA letter from a reader on The Tera Patrick Show:

A letter from a reader on The Tera Patrick Show:

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