What A Cluster Fuck

I got confirmation today that someone on the quarantine list printed a copy of their AIM test before it was taken down from the database and is trying to use it to work.


Come on AIM if you can’t do any better than this are you surprised AHF is going to run you out of town?  Telling people NOT to come forward is wrong on about a hundred levels, stop trying to set yourselves up as Gods and start being forthright with talent.

I want to talk to anyone who is currently under quarantine….I will keep your identity completely hidden  not even your sex will be noted, I have a lot of questions.  Email me if you are willing.

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What A Cluster Fuck

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7 Responses

  1. And you complain about the rumor mongering Mike?

    Get off your high horse Mike,,,you are as responsible as anybody else for all these unsubstatiated rumors. You love this stuff, becuase you can say anything youwant with ZERO accountablity.

    YOU are the biggest rumor monget of them all,,,becuase youre a hypocrite,,,,you say you despise the rumors,,,then print every one of them.

  2. Oh I dont even print a small portion of them.

    I have people looking to me for answers nobody else will give them. The info I got was very detailed and complete, which is why I ran it.

    If you don’t like what I say here, there’s a remedy for that you know.

  3. In a previous article you said,,,,”There are rumors of 20 positives”…..then you go on to say that you dont think its true. Then why print it? the answer is easy,,,you a rumor mongering little weasle…..You say you hate rumors, then go right on printing evenwhe you yourself say youdont believe it.

    Why printit if you dont believe it. Youre not a journalist, even youadmit that, so what is the purposeof printig what you yourself call rumors that you dont even believe.

    You love this stuff Mike.

    And when the EASIESt verifiable fact in this whole situation comes to light, the ifected guys name,,,you make it seem like youre CNN Headline news,,,,,,,people in porn valley knew the name on Monday afternoon.This guy has tons of friends,,,they all knew on Monday, when their friend told them he has HIV. Give it up Mike.

    Mike south reports,,,”Rumor, 20 positives”…disclaimer,,I dont even beleive this myself,,,,but I will repeat it like a juniour high schoool girl spreading a good rumor about the fat girl in cass.

  4. ps…Darrah Ford site has the FIRST mention of anykind about this story on her website. It was posted on her website on MONDAY.

  5. Milton, you miss the point of 20 positives.

    That’s an absurd number and anyone who reads (other than you apparently) sees it as such. It’s used to illustrate the absurdity of the aforementioned rumors.

    As one porn chick, apparently brighter than you, said it “I would sooner believe 20 people in porn committed mass suicide.”

  6. And show me ob here where I claimed to be the first with this story. If you are going to try to make such a point have enough sense to back it up.

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