Time To Tell It Like It Is

This whole Montana Fishburne thing has gotten way more attention than it deserves, lets look at some of the latest rumors.

The one I like best is that Laurence Fishburne’s pals tried to buy back all the dvds for 1 million dollars.


This is Steve Hirsch we are talkin about! He has at most a 50K investment in this, if someone offered him a 950K Return on that 50K he would personally chase the trucks on all fours to get the dvds back, assuming they really had already shipped, which was most likely bullshit, just like the rest of this story.

Then Montana was reported to have been arrested for prostitution, and she was. So lets see, what we now have is the celebrity sex tape of Laurence Fishburne’s prostitute daughter…nice…..don’t you just know he is thinking, God why didn’t I use a condom.

Then she says mom supports her decision, then she says Jamie Fox has a gay sex tape and Vivid is going to release it, Gee Montana, whats next? A Michael Jackson tape with little boys?…Wait I shouldn’t be giving her any ideas.

One thing seems to be pretty sure…This little “Chippy” has a future in porn, She has the requisite self important hooker attitude down!

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Time To Tell It Like It Is

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3 Responses

  1. “..he would personally chase the trucks on all fours to get the dvds back..”

    Thank you for the good chuckle Mr. South.
    That was a good one.

    I love the visuals involved….Steve Hirsch on all fours…oh well..some things
    never seem to change. 😉

  2. Why would Montana bother being a hooker? Her daddy must be pissed off at her and cut her off financially for not fitting into his mold of what he thinks she should be. An arrest is embarrassing for a famous family no matter what it is for! I wonder if Montana has a serious drug problem that pissed her daddy off into not supporting her financially, causing all of this. I am all for good porn, but I think there is a lot more going on here than we know about!

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