This Is Just Too Easy

As most of you know I am an avid sportsman, I don’t hunt much anymore because I eat what I kill and I’m just not that fond of venison, I don’t have bird dogs for quail or retrievers for ducks I’m not big on squirrel though I do like rabbit.  Mostly these days I fish,  I use light lines ( I caught an 82 lb Cobia on 14 lb test line) so that some skill is required and if I am not going to eat it I turn it lose, unharmed.

The problem with the FSC is it’s just too easy….remember when The FSC Hired Gun, said the AHF people didn’t show up to the last hearing because, “They knew they didn’t have the votes.”    and , of course, XBIZ and AVN dutifully ran those stories without even knowing what the suspense file is.

Well yesterday Assemblyman Isadore Hall’s Chief of Staff, Terry Schanz told XBIZ. “It would be helpful if they familiarized themselves with the legislative process before making false statements.”

According to Schanz, there are no General Fund costs associated with AB 332 and “support for the bill continues to grow throughout the state.”



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This Is Just Too Easy

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3 Responses

  1. I would say too much DOPE and not enough HOPE…
    The Industry is doomed and look who you have helping it get worse.
    Thank GOD they are not politicians!
    This country would be really fucked!!

  2. Add Peter Acworth to the list of ignorant dupes. “We got her at 5:30 and spent most of the day, but we’re happy the bill got put in suspension. I hope this is the end of the bill.”

    Looks like Peter,”coke boy” Acworth is another dupe who has absolutely no clue what the fuck he is doing, or saying, just being a good little stooge and pushing his coke filled nose up the FSC ass.

    This is the best a multi billion dollar industry can do. Those HOWLS of laughter you hear is the entire state assembly, and they are directed at Dianne Duke, Karen Tynan, and the stooges.

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