Porners Ain’t Going Anywhere


You have read it all over the place by now, the empty and hollow threats that porn will move out of Los Angeles thanks to the new condom law.



No place else wants you.  Porners aren’t going anyplace.  You really think that Arizona, hope of Sheriff Joe and the like is going to welcome the likes of YOU?

Nevada?  Uh huh  have you seen what a legal brothel worker has to go through to work?  You think condom use is a pain  HA  condoms are just the BEGINNING of the requirements you would face….lets see how THAT works out for you.

Mexico?  HA! ya right…at least the labor would be cheap although the “Directors” may prove more talented.  Be sure your life insurance is up to date.

Now lets be honest  porners aren’t going anywhere, the talent pool is in L.A. the cameramen, makeup artists, sets and everything else is in L.A.  Tell the truth, you are betting you can just ignore the law and get away with it.  If you can’t you will start shooting with condoms.


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Porners Ain’t Going Anywhere

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7 Responses

  1. “Enforcement” is the key word here. At best they may do a few inspections, make some headlines, some fines will be paid, and then it will go away. But before it does, the FSC will probably find some way to bamboozle talent, directors, and studios out of cash with some new protection scheme.

    Anyone remember the 2257 inspections? I’d be surprised if this didn’t go the same way.

  2. As I’ve stated previously, I don’t think we’ll see a mass exodus. But, the percentage of porn shot in Porn Valley will continue to decline as it has for some time now.

  3. I disagree with DWB for fact pretty much enforce adult movie permits out there if caught with out one name kept on file check make sure get one after your caught. If run like that on enforce condom issue there gone be alot porn stars risking fines jail time they could get for not useing condom. If La police vice squid tap enforce checking make sure condoms being used on porn sets condoms they pretty much know who makes porn who porn star are in L.A. How they gone enforce condom on porn set gone use anonymous call number to La vice squid wich all ready has anonumous number set for any body make porn with out permit there. What well happen La vice well show up inspect ever thing with some one from Ca Osha than give ok keep porn shoot going or shut down for day untill condoms are used. For those think just gone void condom issue not get porn permit make movies there. Well good luck Vice in L.A. go out alot people homes make porn make sure they have right permits to do so if one people does have them no excuse in world gone stop from write you up have explain to judge why you do not have one pay find and are remind buy judge if they catch again gone be more than fine.

  4. Correct Mike. And I am getting very tired of the continued ranting and raving and threatening by Ms. Diane Duke that “WE will LEAVE!”, is an appropriate response to the matter. Does she seriously not get that making adult production “leave” certain cities is part of the point in passing these silly “porn fees” regulations to permits? By threatening to leave, she gives them more impetus to keep going in the direction they are already.

    There are only two reasons that any politician(s) makes this type of regulation:
    Increased revenue
    Looking good to the voters

    And in this case, City of LA wants both. The cities of Moorpark and Simi want the latter. And no amount of “threats” (whether they concern going “underground” or “leaving” all together)are going to make the political crowd react by removing whatever regulations will produce the other two results.

  5. I’m not sure I understand one of the continuing threads on this topic: How are they going to enforce it? Remember that every city in the US has health inspectors who regularly go to restaurants with permits to serve food – and there are thousands of restaurants in a big city – and every city has building inspectors that inspect construction projects and fire inspectors who inspect sprinkler systems in thousands of buildings. It ain’t rocket science. Moreover, the final product of a porn shoot is evidence of whether a porner used or didn’t use condoms. You don’t need thousands of condom police. You simply have one guy or gal review DVDs and website postings to see if actors wore condoms. How complicated is that?

  6. No one’s going anywhere. If the city manages to come up with a viable way to enforce this rule, which I doubt they will, it will try to do so. If they don’t, it won’t be enforced. If it costs money to enforce, there’s gonna be a bunch of blow-back from the people of LA. Either way, different companies will either stay and play by the rule or stay and not play. The key word is “stay.”

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