Los Angeles California: The embattled, beleaguered, and struggling Male performer never was, Mike Mancini found himself besieged by, seemingly creditable social media accusations of spreading a known STD on set true? You decide
The nugatory pencil-sized prick caught playing games with over half the pieces missing, plays with the lives and lively hood of others. Glad to see Hussie Models warning their roster, Thank god.
Shortly after being praised for his lackluster performance, The attractive and talented female performer Valericia Steele tweeted out praises for the rather unknown male performer, Mike Mancini. Didos for Valerica as she was a trooper and just being kind to Mike when she praised him then. He is no valiant stunt devil on sets. He is available on the cheap, so we will give him that, for sure.

The very next day or so, There were some words on Twitter for Mike Mancini, this time they were not so kind, Mike was passively accused of spreading STD’s onsets, he responds how he, self medicates his rumored frequent STD’s, Perhaps Mike may have known he was infected with a known STD and did not disclose his condition and went forward with the scene?

When called out, He announces he is a chemist and self medicates
When called out, He explains ” He’s never popped dirty and he self medicates with Z Packs” He does, At home pee tests. Expert at duping TTS and CET eh Mikeee ?

The Plot Thickens

Mikee there are two other times a man ought to be found on his knees. One is to pry
4 Responses
Self-medicating with Z-Packs (Zithromax) is a great way to cause disease resistance to the antibiotic. If Mike Mancini has been doing this for a long time he might have thought he got rid of the clap but ended up with a strain resistant to the antibiotic. Here is some information from the CDC, it seems that the clap has already become resistant to several antibiotics over the years: https://bit.ly/3C8yozG . Another CDC article states that “Unlike the appearance of ciprofloxacin resistance in the early 2000s, and cefixime reduced-susceptibility isolates during 2010–2011, emergence of azithromycin resistance is not concentrated among certain populations (e.g., MSM in the western United States). Azithromycin (Zithromax, brand added to paragraph by me) has unique pharmacokinetic properties that might predispose to resistance due to its prolonged half-life (869,870). With the exception of a small cluster of gonorrhea strains with azithromycin resistance and reduced susceptibility to cefixime and ceftriaxone among seven patients during 2016, all gonorrhea strains identified by GISP are susceptible to either or both azithromycin and ceftriaxone or cefixime”. Here is the article link: https://bit.ly/3vIW9fd . Even though Z-Pack resistance is low at the current time and may be a bit harder to make happen than with other antibiotics used to treat Gonorrhea it has been proven possible and it is well known that abusing antibiotics like Mike Mancini is claiming to do is a great way to cause resistance. If Mr. Mancini can’t play by the rules, not self-medicate without getting VD testing first (and how does he know that his black market Z-Packs aren’t fake — it is a prescription only medication), not work while infected with VD and not spread VD around like candy at 7pm on Halloween in Michigan (cities here tend to have lots of kids begging for candy then) he needs to find another line of work. Otherwise, put Dr. Rigg’s walk in clinic on speed dial and get into the clinic when you feel the clap coming on, Mr. Mancini. People in this industry seem to be happy with Dr. Rigg’s service and from what I have heard over the years he isn’t a quack.
Cool. Lmk when there are actual repercussions for Mr. Mancini’s actions.
Also, lol Matt Harris.
BevMo, I don’t find humor in what I posted. Also, there are links to what I cited so you can verify for yourself that I am not lying. Also, would you let someone perform on your set with a possible VD (and remember, I know exactly who you are)? I would hope not! Also, would you hire Mike Mancini knowing what you do after reading this article? I also hope not!
At Matt Harris I see in his text message he said he saw the “porn doc” isn’t that Dr Riggs ? I mean ,