Just When ya Think Porners Cant Get Any Dumber


Along comes Steven hirsch announcing that more pornstars should read to children.  And to think AVN considers this idiot to be a “visionary”.

But being the helpful soul that I am I’m going to make a suggestion for ya Stevie.

Why don’t you take some of what little you have left and start a program to teach these pornstars to read, so that they may read to these children…


Just sayin….


55710cookie-checkJust When ya Think Porners Cant Get Any Dumber

Just When ya Think Porners Cant Get Any Dumber

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4 Responses

  1. Maybe the kids could teach the strippers not to jump on people… Nah, that’s probably a stretch.

  2. The stupid thing that Steven Hirsch say does in porn these day does make one wonder why porn flushing self down toilet. Make one think some day this might happen one day ever wonder boys and girls what happen Playboy Hustler Vivid Vivid Wicked Avn bunch other porn companys make porn in USA??? They frist ran there companys well than after one stupid act after another the people owen those porn companys sold out cheaply Brazzer who ran companys in ground US than closed them took assests open them differnt counry sell off porn company they did want open some other counrty more money than they bought for. That story become more of true tail what happen in porn ever day week.

  3. I get a big kick out of these stories – Steve Hirsch, Sasha Grey reading to elementary school children and the high school who brought in a Hooters waitress to talk about opportunities in the hospitality industry. A writer in the Huffington Post is all outraged over the outrage. On Sasha Grey, she says we should be honoring her for being willing to read to elementary school children who were excited to meet a celebrity. If they knew about her porn past, there are bigger issues. She concludes by writing that if we hold all volunteers to such strict standards, we won’t get anyone to volunteer in the schools. Okay, let’s take a step back. If an elementary school child is familiar with Sasha Grey only through Entourage, we have a problem. Sasha, afterall, isn’t doing Hamlet or even Parenthood. In her two mainstream roles, she’s played a prostitute and a porn star. With regard to to holding school volunteers to strict standards, I’m not sure a no porn star rule is so strict, unless a lot more of my neighbors have been doing porn than I realize. I think you can safely expand that universe to no porn stars, strippers or even Hooters waitresses and still have a pretty large pool of potential volunteers.

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