Dirty D Now Pedo D?

About a year ago I got an email detailing how Michael Storm, better known in the biz as Dirty D had knowingly participated in shooting an underage girl, encouraging her to give a fake ID.

It was highly inflammatory and it was something I decided not to tun even though the evidence seemed to suggest it was true, it was still based on a lot of he said she said.

I wanted to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, I mean here is a guy with a lot to lose, he is quite successful, why would he risk it all for a girl that would be legal in a matter of only months?

I encouraged my source to turn the info over to the police.

Apparently they did. Two guys, one in Tampa and one in St Pete were arrested for this very incident. Dirty D is out of the country but expects to be arrested when he returns.

To my knowledge, this is the first time that anyone in porn has KNOWINGLY shot an under age performer. We generally have an outstanding record on that front so lets stop fucking it up. If Storm and the rest of these guys are guilty of what they have been accused of they should be incarcerated for a pretty good stretch and if they are I’d fully support a 10 year addition to their sentence just for being stupid.

But I guess if stupid was a crime there wouldn’t be but about a dozen people in porn….

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Dirty D Now Pedo D?

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Mike South

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