AIM to Provide Free Drug Screening for Companies in Porn:

Yep you read that right, free drug screens so that if your company doesn’t want to use drugged up actresses you can screen them out. No word on if the screens can test for prescrition drugs that are all the rage in Hollywood these days, stuff like Paxil, Xanax, and others. Personally I like this Idea I hope all porn companies in porn valley adopt this drug testing and refuse to hire performers who have drugs in their systems.

Cuz I will OWN the porn business in this country if they do.

My prediction….This will go over like a lead balloon…from what I hear the biggest drug users in porn work for a certain company known for its high end contract girls, and I don’t mean the contract girls are the only ones using either…I hear it they have a smorgasbord of various things on a lot of the sets, and I get this first hand….I hope AIM aint got too much money invested in these kits.

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AIM to Provide Free Drug Screening for Companies in Porn:

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Mike South

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