AIM, AHF, Shelly Lubben and The FSC Are All Whores

I have been watching this little drama play out and watching both sides slinging mud and all such as that….I’m frankly, surprised at what everyone is saying they are surprised to learn.

Including but not limited to:

The alliance between AHF and Shelly Lubben…Of course Shelly Lubben is against everything that AHF is for duh….as if AIM and the FSC haven’t made unholy alliances on the basis of the enemy of my enemy must be my friend…..wake up y’all  happens every day  two whores found each other and decided to pool their resources to achieve a common goal…reminds me of Republicans and democrats…the common goal being to fuck the citizens there but I digress.

It’s supposed to be some big scandal that Weinstein from AHF makes a pretty good living? HELLO so do the heads of all non profits and such….so does Sharon Mitchell.

It’s a scandal that AHF takes donations and such from a condom company, inclufing donated condoms, ummm NOT! Nothing wrong with that.

I have a lot of emails from porn people mostly female performers and pretty much none of them want to be named but the truth is the support AHF by about a 2 to 1 margin.  The most common complaint is from girls who have had numerous STDs as a result of the industry and want to work with condoms but can’t.  If they insist on condom use they get replaced by someone who doesn’t, they get pushed out and they don’t think that is right.  They claim they shouldn’t have to work in a hazardous work environment and would welcome some oversight or a talent union or something or someone to represent them.

Which brings us to the ridiculous scare tactics that have been pushed primarily by AVN that porn shoots would be using dental dams and latex gloves for handjobs.  That’s just Mark Kernes playing the political bullshit tactics that politicians use…create a dragon.  Nobody has suggested that dental dams be used, matter of fact even AHF and the public health people said that was nonsense.  When AVN is sold in a few months or so Kernes should have a fresh resume handy.

AIMs primary defense is to push back against the city and county health officials, a move that only AIM thinks will win.

Meanwhile AHF is using those same officials as pawns in it’s bid to replace AIM and make no mistake about that IS their intention.

I saw some moron on a lesser site speculate that because California has laws preventing discrimination on HIV status that porners couldn’t legally not hire an HIV infected person.  Now this guy IS an idiot.  Any such laws do not apply to people who could pose a health threat from potential contact with their blood, like boxers and MMA fighters.

Then when you get to the fanboi forums you get the real IQ deficient, drooling imbeciles…one suggested that a class action suit be filed because he, as a consumer, has a right to non condom porn…all I can say to him id for God Sake man please keep jerking off and don’t procreate, the gene pool is too shallow as it is.

Others seem to think the law is some sort of negotiable instrument that a contract between two people can nullify, as in if I sign a release saying that you can kill me on film in exchange for a bong hit before you do then you cant be prosecuted for killing me.

And those are some of the more intelligent ideas…..Good God Y’all.

Honestly I have no horse in this race, I see both sides of the argument but If I’m placing a bet  I’d pick AIM…to run dead last.

45850cookie-checkAIM, AHF, Shelly Lubben and The FSC Are All Whores

AIM, AHF, Shelly Lubben and The FSC Are All Whores

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6 Responses

  1. What a fun post. You have a way of turning a phrase. A couple of things…..BTW, I work for AHF and run the Public Health Division, we do the testing in the US. We have not had donations from condom companies….maybe some condoms or lube here or there, as you indicated, but nothing gigantic. In fact, we buy millions of condoms and distribute them for free around the world. The condom has been and will continue to be one of the greatest public health tools for $.03 the world has known. We do not want to takeover the testing business of AIM. We do tens of thousands of HIV tests in So. California alone, many, many times more than AIM has over done…..I’m sure many performers have used our services. We don’t charge people for an HIV test (unlike AIM), and we want them to know if they are HIV+ or not. This has and will continue to be about making sure performers who are going to a job don’t get sick….with an STD or HIV. They are not disposable!

  2. I was wonderin when one a you boys might show up….

    You won’t get any hate from me, personally I think talent gets screwed left and right in this biz, free testing for talent shoulda been happening all along woulda been good business….not that anyone in porn valley has any business sense….save for a precious few and they know who they are.

  3. Great post, Mike. The other morning I was watching a news report on the Broadway production of Spiderman. The NY Department of Labor is investigating the show for creating an unsafe work environment because four actors have been injured. None of the injuries has been life-threatening – one was a concussion,the stunt man who fell into the pit broke some ribs, the other two were minor injuries. In other words, no one contracted HIV. But the Dept. of Labor is threatening to shut them down. I’m just sayin’ …..

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