Misrepresenting accidental deaths and deaths from illness of adult performers as suicides to promote her anti-porn industry campaign represents a low blow even for the disingenuous Aurora Snow.

In her latest “look at how bad things are in porn” vox nihili piece for The Daily Beast, toxic scribe Aurora Snow takes the side of disgruntled performers Aidra Rae and Gia Paige against the man she dubs “Porn’s Superagent”: Derek Hay of LA Direct Models.
Snow, 36, is an ex performer, a tireless critic of virtually everything in Porn Valley, and an ardent supporter of AHF’s efforts (such as Measure B) to destroy the adult industry.
Derek Hay is also Snow’s former talent agent, incidentally.

Snow sets the tone right off the bat: “Frightened and worried that even more work will be lost, few are willing to speak openly about what have now become commonplace issues,” claims Snow, as if her inability to get women in porn to trust her after her string of porn hit pieces means per se that they’re huddled together, comforting each other in a dark cave.
In the middle of a story decrying the industry-wide practice of charging models “kill fees” for same-day cancelations of shoots (for which her former agent Hay receives virtually all the criticism), we get a low blow (even for Snow, which is saying a lot) concerning a recent spate of deaths in the adult world.
It’s been less than a year and the adult industry has already buried five young women—some suspected suicides, others confirmed. LA Direct Models represented two of the recently deceased performers: 23-year-old Olivia Lua and 20-year-old Olivia Nova. . . .
LA Direct has been keenly aware of the industry’s tragedies, as reflected in a statement they issued earlier this year: “Much comment has been recently made on the number of adult stars having passed in the last year and with great sadness we must inform that the list has grown longer. We learned today that Olivia Lua passed away this morning—may she rest in peace.”
“Keenly aware”? What the hell does that mean? I think everyone in Porn Valley is keenly aware of a performer’s sudden death. And the statement she quotes was Derek Hay writing with great sympathy about a performer whom he represented and for whom he had great fondness.
Above the above-quoted blocks of misleading text sits the following graphic and caption:
That caption is a complete and total LIE. Full stop.
As for “suspected suicides”? Coroners’ reports are available for all of the deceased ladies but one, Shyla Stylez, a retired performer who passed away at her mother’s home in her native Canada; she was under a doctor’s care at the time of her death, and there has been no evidence whatsoever of suicide.
Yurizan Beltran (a.k.a. Yuri Luv) died of an accidental opioid overdose. As we reported at the time of her death, she had become addicted to prescription medication.
Olivia Lua passed away while undergoing medical treatment, in a medical facility.
Olivia Nova died after contracting sepsis from a urinary tract infection that spread to her kidneys.
That leaves one suicide. ONE, not five.
Aurora, you’ve always been full of shit, but this represents a new low. Shame on you.
9 Responses
Wow, that is lame. She should have done her homework. She does seem to be on a smear the adult industry campaign. Glad you brought this to light.
Sounds like Aurora has been hanging out with Shelley Lubben. She is famous for twisting the facts to suit her narrative.
When I came home today and saw this article I’m wtf? There are so many things I could go off on but for now I’m going to calm down and leave at this one, ever so obvious point ….
“Illustration By The Daily Beast” implies an actual original artwork. Taking photos owned by someone else and running them through a photoshop filer does not make it your original work. It’s called piracy.
If you are going to steal someone’s photos, slap on a filter or two and call it your own all while standing on your soapbox calling someone else a douche, what does that really say about you and your own ethics?
Are any of those shots known to you, so one could backtrack to the copyright holder? I love the Daily Beast, but obviously not in this area, and I’m sure they would respond and take down if the copyright holder contacts them. It seems a shame for the porn producers *themselves* to help someone rail against them.
No I’m not or I would have shot off a DMCA already.
I wonder if Jeff Steward would have any objection to inserting the clip from one of his Most Outrageous Outtakes movies (without Jim Powers’ intro) where Aurora Snow drank herself into a stupor on “Compton Kool-Aid” into this article. If you can get consent from Jeff to attach it to the article I have a copy. Ms. Snow was so drunk she could barely talk and couldn’t stand even with the assistance of two strapping, sober men. Jim said in the intro (paraphrased) that Ms. Snow had a horrible alcohol problem and at the time of taping she had a reputation for being drunk on set. He hired her anyway after her handler/suitcase pimp/town idiot said she had quit drinking alcohol, he got the scene done but only barely and only after using questionable judgement — IMO she was too drunk to consent to continuing the scene way before he came to that conclusion himself. Since I am living (although not recent) proof someone can sit down with a fifth of Cutty Sark, Crown Royal or Smirnoff and manage to write cogently and factually (with a full bibliography at the end) I say she is just as much to blame as her half gallon of cheap vodka, cheap whiskey or Mountain Dew (illegally brewed, 140 proof moonshine, not the soft drink). I think Ms. Snow was also too drunk to write a truthful article and consent to publication of the piece of shit knock job that was torn to shreds here. I think Ms. Snow should have to suck Dirty Harry’s “Mr. Wiggles” and swallow every last drop as amends for her blatant lies in her latest con job article. As an alternate manner of making amends she and fellow retired, addict porn chicks Terri Starr and Aspen Brock should be locked in a jail cell together without any mind-altering substances (evidently alcohol was both Aurora’s and Terri’s favorite drugs, Aspen was evidently partial to heroin) for 48 hours straight. I hope they don’t go into DTs while locked away from their half-gallon bottles of cheap vodka and eight balls of heroin! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂