World War III, Is It Here?

There are 127 hotspots around the world right now, that’s 127 armed conflicts all but 3 of them involve Muslims, that’s right, the “peaceful” religion of Islam. I don’t see any peace in it y’all. It seems that nearly every civilized country on earth is in some way shape or form at war with Islamic Fundamentalists. It’s a different kind of war to be sure but I think it’s time to call it like it is, and we ARE at war. I hope we have the guts to win like the Russians did when terrorists took 700 hostages in a theater. The Russians gassed the place and went in and summarily executed every single terrorist with a shot through the head. I bet the terrorists think twice before they fuck with Russia again. The enemy is fundamenatist Islam, now lets show these fuckers we mean business and we mean to win this war.

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World War III, Is It Here?

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