Today marks the day that the 19th amendment became the law of the land. Womens suffrage was passed. Now do not get me wrong I believe in equal protection under the law and the ballot box is a part of that, I would not repeal the right of women to vote even if I could. That being said if not for the 19th amendment our liberty would be much safer. Let’s face it women are hard wired (with a few exceptions) to nest building and security. Men are always much more concerned about liberty as opposed to security. Give a female the chance and she will almost always sacrifice her liberty for security. That is not necessarily a bad thing, it helps to balance us out and mother nature probably designed us this way intentionally. Politicians realize this and they pander to female voters with phrases like “protecting our children” and “for your safety”. Think about it.
Well it’s over now…”Jihad” Cynthia McKinney is now toast, ditto Bob Barr.
Today marks an anniversary that forever changed the country, probably for the worse:
Today marks the day that the 19th amendment became the law of the land. Womens suffrage was passed. Now do not get me wrong I believe in equal protection under the law and the ballot box is a part of that, I would not repeal the right of women to vote even if I could. That being said if not for the 19th amendment our liberty would be much safer. Let’s face it women are hard wired (with a few exceptions) to nest building and security. Men are always much more concerned about liberty as opposed to security. Give a female the chance and she will almost always sacrifice her liberty for security. That is not necessarily a bad thing, it helps to balance us out and mother nature probably designed us this way intentionally. Politicians realize this and they pander to female voters with phrases like “protecting our children” and “for your safety”. Think about it.
Well it’s over now…”Jihad” Cynthia McKinney is now toast, ditto Bob Barr.
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