Tonight’s The Night

Well in all likelihood the Republican nominee for President will be decided today in Florida’s Republican Primary.

It’s a neck and neck race between John McCain and  Mitt Romney.  Whoever does win goes into next weeks “Super Tuesday” in a strong position and will likely emerge as the Republican Candidate.

On the Democratic side Obama took a commanding victory in a southern state leaving Hillary to rethink her position.

In my opinion it’s going to be Obama and McCain, which is interesting, because McCain is the most liberal minded of the Republican frontrunners, his nomination would mark a real change in the party in terms of it’s ties to the religious right, in other words it marks something of a move away from them.

Obama on the other hand is looking more and more confident and is presenting himself as educated and articulate, even as Hillary is appearing desperate  and mudslinging.

Expect Guiliani to drop out after Florida where he will be lucky to come in third.  He ignored the early primaries concentrating on FL, a state with a lot of delegates where he was polling well.  His plan backfired though because now he has to win FL to stay viable and simply put, he won’t.

Ron Paul will remain a dark horse but should he choose to run as a Libertarian or Independent he is certainly going to be a thorn in the side of both parties. But he says he won’t and he generally is a man of his word.  Too bad really, I liked most things about Dr Paul, including the fact that he is the only candidate that has come on the record about our industry and our right to exist.

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Tonight’s The Night

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