They fell out at a photo op at P Diddys Ball…CLICK HERE FOR THE PICS
Some Post Mortem:
The 18-30 Year Olds Are Still The Laziest Block of Voters in The Country:
Only about 10% of those eligible in that age group actually participated. Oddly enough this is the age of most of the performers in porn. Got News for y’all…If ya didn’t vote, just shut the fuck up.
Democrats…What Next:
Hopefully the Democratic Party will do some soul searching here. They have 2 choices the way I see it, the one they will most likely pursue is that they will move farther left, further embracing morons like Al Franken and Michael Moore. Hillary will be set up to be their saviour in 08 and she will be thouroughly trounced.
Now assuming that they will somehow miraculously get some brains in the next 2-4 years, they will look hard at why they really lost. The right has highly intelligent and articulate spokespersons like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Bill Cunningham and others rallying people to vote and pushing buttons that they know will hit home. Democrats have Al Franken and Michael Moore, a couple of mental midgets at best.
The Democrats are depending on their automatic constituency, jews, blacks and women. But they are losing support among all three groups, because of the common sense approach of the right wing in usurping this base. As all Americans grow more affluent entitlements lose their appeal and the democratic tax and spend mantra rings true with the common man and woman. Sure Republicans, unchecked are just as bad but that isn’t the perception and it is that perception that the Democrats have to overcome.
What is obvious to me is that if the Democrats cannot beat a sitting President with an approval rating of under 50% then they clearly chose the wrong candidate, and the wrong issues. Maybe I am clueless but I think the Democrats need to back off the class warfare and entitlements and press individual liberty, responsibility and self reliance. These are the very issues that the Republicans thrive on.
If this country is going to be saved it will be Libertarian ideals that save it, most Republican voters tend to identify more closely with Libertarian ideals, even though they don’t practice what they preach. I think this opens the door for the Democrats to exploit the largest segment of the Republican Party, they need to move farther to the center, not farther to the left.
The really sad thing is that John Kerry and George Bush are the most qualified people that this country can put forth to lead us. Let us hope we can do better next time.
How Much Trouble Is The Biz Really In?:
Lots of people in porn are predicting gloom and doom, and maybe they are right. I know one thing for sure. A shakeout won’t hurt this biz, might even strengthen it. But even at that the government has 2 very big hurdles.
The first is the people and the court system. Americans are far more tolerant of adult entertainment now than ever before. This biz isn’t as big as it is because 10 people are spending a billion dollrs each on product. The Justice Department has targeted Rob Black and rightly so, he is the most egregious and the most likely to be found obscene, he is outside the herd so to speak. Now I can’t think of a single thing that I actually like about the illiterate little piece of shit but if the DOJ can’t take him down, how would they take down Vivid, DP or Hustler? Rob has one thing in his favor and that is Lou Sirkin, who I consider to be one of the three best first amendment attorneys who ever lived.
Now assuming they can’t take down Rob, they have recently tightened the recordkeeping act, You can bet that Ashcroft has determined that it will be the best way to try to take us down if all else fails. Problem is, it’s likely going to stay mired up in court for some years to come, and for good reason, much of it appears VERY unconstitutional.
The result is I don’t see it as being quite as bad as many think, unless your name is Rob Black, and even at that, its a huge crapshoot.
Democracy, Is It The Right Thing?:
11 states had referendums on measures that ban gay marraige. In all 11 states those referendums passed, with wide margins. here in GA it was 60%. Thats right 60% of the voters said that we don’t want our state to recognize gay marraige. Should that settle it? Certainly in a “Democracy” it does. So maybe next time we put a referendum on the ballot that says it’s legal for a white man to own a black man in a system of indentured servitude and lets say for arguments sake that it passes by the same margin. Hey The people have spoken right?
That’s why this country isn’t a Democracy but is a Constitutional Representative Republic. You see the law of the land here, contrary to the religious right, is NOT the Bible, nor is it the “will of the people” It is the Constitution. The Constitution protects individuals, groups, religions and everyone else FROM the bible, the koran AND the will of the people. It clearly states that the government, federal, local or state may NOT pass any law that abridges these “inalienable rights”.
You have every right to believe that gay people should not even be allowed to proclaim their homosexuality, you have every right to believe that abortion should be punishable by death and that it is OK for you to own another human being. But you have absolutely NO right to make those beliefs the law.
The gay marriage issue is destined for the Supreme Court. I don’t see how anyone can see this as something that should be illegal. If a guy marrys another guy please explain to me how that has encroached on YOUR life, liberty or pursuit of happiness?
Thats the way I see it….
1376150cookie-checkTara Reid’s Boob Job:no
Tara Reid’s Boob Job:
They fell out at a photo op at P Diddys Ball…CLICK HERE FOR THE PICS
Some Post Mortem:
The 18-30 Year Olds Are Still The Laziest Block of Voters in The Country:
Only about 10% of those eligible in that age group actually participated. Oddly enough this is the age of most of the performers in porn. Got News for y’all…If ya didn’t vote, just shut the fuck up.
Democrats…What Next:
Hopefully the Democratic Party will do some soul searching here. They have 2 choices the way I see it, the one they will most likely pursue is that they will move farther left, further embracing morons like Al Franken and Michael Moore. Hillary will be set up to be their saviour in 08 and she will be thouroughly trounced.
Now assuming that they will somehow miraculously get some brains in the next 2-4 years, they will look hard at why they really lost. The right has highly intelligent and articulate spokespersons like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Bill Cunningham and others rallying people to vote and pushing buttons that they know will hit home. Democrats have Al Franken and Michael Moore, a couple of mental midgets at best.
The Democrats are depending on their automatic constituency, jews, blacks and women. But they are losing support among all three groups, because of the common sense approach of the right wing in usurping this base. As all Americans grow more affluent entitlements lose their appeal and the democratic tax and spend mantra rings true with the common man and woman. Sure Republicans, unchecked are just as bad but that isn’t the perception and it is that perception that the Democrats have to overcome.
What is obvious to me is that if the Democrats cannot beat a sitting President with an approval rating of under 50% then they clearly chose the wrong candidate, and the wrong issues. Maybe I am clueless but I think the Democrats need to back off the class warfare and entitlements and press individual liberty, responsibility and self reliance. These are the very issues that the Republicans thrive on.
If this country is going to be saved it will be Libertarian ideals that save it, most Republican voters tend to identify more closely with Libertarian ideals, even though they don’t practice what they preach. I think this opens the door for the Democrats to exploit the largest segment of the Republican Party, they need to move farther to the center, not farther to the left.
The really sad thing is that John Kerry and George Bush are the most qualified people that this country can put forth to lead us. Let us hope we can do better next time.
How Much Trouble Is The Biz Really In?:
Lots of people in porn are predicting gloom and doom, and maybe they are right. I know one thing for sure. A shakeout won’t hurt this biz, might even strengthen it. But even at that the government has 2 very big hurdles.
The first is the people and the court system. Americans are far more tolerant of adult entertainment now than ever before. This biz isn’t as big as it is because 10 people are spending a billion dollrs each on product. The Justice Department has targeted Rob Black and rightly so, he is the most egregious and the most likely to be found obscene, he is outside the herd so to speak. Now I can’t think of a single thing that I actually like about the illiterate little piece of shit but if the DOJ can’t take him down, how would they take down Vivid, DP or Hustler? Rob has one thing in his favor and that is Lou Sirkin, who I consider to be one of the three best first amendment attorneys who ever lived.
Now assuming they can’t take down Rob, they have recently tightened the recordkeeping act, You can bet that Ashcroft has determined that it will be the best way to try to take us down if all else fails. Problem is, it’s likely going to stay mired up in court for some years to come, and for good reason, much of it appears VERY unconstitutional.
The result is I don’t see it as being quite as bad as many think, unless your name is Rob Black, and even at that, its a huge crapshoot.
Democracy, Is It The Right Thing?:
11 states had referendums on measures that ban gay marraige. In all 11 states those referendums passed, with wide margins. here in GA it was 60%. Thats right 60% of the voters said that we don’t want our state to recognize gay marraige. Should that settle it? Certainly in a “Democracy” it does. So maybe next time we put a referendum on the ballot that says it’s legal for a white man to own a black man in a system of indentured servitude and lets say for arguments sake that it passes by the same margin. Hey The people have spoken right?
That’s why this country isn’t a Democracy but is a Constitutional Representative Republic. You see the law of the land here, contrary to the religious right, is NOT the Bible, nor is it the “will of the people” It is the Constitution. The Constitution protects individuals, groups, religions and everyone else FROM the bible, the koran AND the will of the people. It clearly states that the government, federal, local or state may NOT pass any law that abridges these “inalienable rights”.
You have every right to believe that gay people should not even be allowed to proclaim their homosexuality, you have every right to believe that abortion should be punishable by death and that it is OK for you to own another human being. But you have absolutely NO right to make those beliefs the law.
The gay marriage issue is destined for the Supreme Court. I don’t see how anyone can see this as something that should be illegal. If a guy marrys another guy please explain to me how that has encroached on YOUR life, liberty or pursuit of happiness?
Thats the way I see it….
Tara Reid’s Boob Job:
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