Sometimes stupidity defies description:

Charlene Rosen, owner of Mr. Charles Shop, in State College, Pa., says anti-fur activists smashed her glass doors. She says another attack left red paint on her shop windows and sidewalk.

E-mail to a college newspaper claims the Animal Liberation Front is responsible. But Rosen says the vandals can’t tell real fur from fake. She has a denim jacket in her shop window with a phony fur collar.

She says she doesn’t carry real fur products. Rosen says “If they’re stupid enough not to know real from fake, we’ve got a real problem in our society.”

If God hadn’t meant for us to eat animals they wouldn’t be made out of meat.

A Kiwi porn actress who wants to give birth on film may have her baby seized by officials.
The woman, who goes by the pseudonym Nicky and lives in Northland, is four-and-a-half months pregnant and has told the film’s producer she has the full backing of her family. However, the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services (CYFS) and the Commissioner for Children are outraged. Commisioner Roger McLay had wanted to exercise rights under the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child but it is not binding under New Zealand law.

CYFS chief social worker Shannon Pakura said she was “absolutely appalled”. The department’s lawyers would look at options under the Guardianship Act, and whether it allowed separating mother and child if the film proceeded. One option appeared to be a wardship order.

CYFS lawyers were also exploring avenues under the Children, Young Persons and their Family Act.

“This is the first time I understand the birth of a child has been used in a pornographic movie and so we are wanting to tread very carefully in making sure we are acting within the framework of the legislation,” Ms Pakura said. “One of the things we will be doing is talking to the Family Court, if we need to, and see what our options are.”

While lawyers were being kept busy Ms Pakura said the department was keen to make contact with the woman. The department was flooded yesterday with calls from members of the Northland community providing the woman’s real name, phone numbers and address.

“We are hoping that Nicky’s family will take some responsibility ensuring the best interests of the child are met and talking with Nicky,” Ms Pakura said. “Our preference is to work with her so the interests of her as a mother and ensuring her child’s interests are paramount and our interest in ensuring the child’s rights and dignity is kept.”

The film’s producer, Steve Crow of Vixen Direct, said such talk was “Nazi” and violated a woman’s right to make her own choices.

“This is about Nicky at this point of time,” Mr Crow said. “If she chooses to do this it’s her right. Who the hell are these people who think they have the right to tell a mother, a pregnant woman, she can’t make an adult video just because she’s pregnant?

“Childbirth has been shown on TV a number of times and we show murder, mayhem and rape and all these other things (on TV).

“There’s child abuse with the Church and nothing really happens about that and then we link the cause of the action with the end result – sex causes childbirth – and suddenly there’s a huge furore.

“It’s really quite Victorian and another way for bureaucrats to try and control us.”

The film has been provocatively titled “Ripe” – “Because she is ripe. She’s pregnant and she’s going to give birth,” Mr Crow said.

Distribution deals for America and Europe had already been confirmed and Mr Crow said the film would be edited offshore to ensure authorities could not prevent that.

To date three scenes have been shot since the woman, a former stripper, auditioned a month ago.

One scene remains to be shot before she gives birth. Then, a few months after she has given birth, another scene will be filmed “to show how she got pregnant”.

Ok I wanna know who the American distributor is! Extreme?..nah this is way to classy for those retards. JM Productions?..This is a Perverted Story. Fat Dog?..Nah the production values of this would be too good for them. Totally Tasteless Video….Now theres a possibility.


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Sometimes stupidity defies description:

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