The denizens of Porn Valley, like many thousands of freelancers in California, have been struggling under AB5, the idiotic, destructive “gig economy” law that was ramrodded through the state legislature and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Now, as this terrible idea is being brought before the US Congress to crush independent contracts nationwide, there’s a glimmer of hope of repeal, as this report by Kira Davis notes:
As the nation wrings their hands over Iowa caucuses and an upcoming State of the Union speech, the battle for the freedom to work rages on in California. The state’s “gig economy” law that ends the right to work as an independent contractor for nearly everyone has caused unprecedented chaos and income loss nearly overnight.
The state capitol has been flooded with calls and emails asking for AB5 to be repealed, but the governor and the bill’s sponsor – Lorena Gonzalez (D-80) have only doubled-down on their commitment to end the gig economy. Shenanigans abound.
On Monday, California freelance writers got wind of an astroturfed “lobby day” in Sacramento meant to push back against legitimate opposition to the law. Supposed supporters filled a room and took turns speaking in favor of AB5…for five hours. Interestingly, nearly every “supporter” was a union worker or representative – the very people the law does not affect. Why weren’t any pro-AB5 non-union workers invited?
After getting word that the lobbyists would be sitting on a couple of hashtags, writers and other ICs quickly organized to push back. They spent the day jumping on the hashtags used by Lorena Gonzalez and the bill’s union sponsors, telling their own stories and refuting any misinformation trying to be passed off as fact.
The results were tragically glorious. The hashtags were immediately overwhelmed with story after story of people who have lost their income overnight, and with requests for the law to be repealed immediately.
It became quickly apparent that Lorena Gonzalez and her people were not prepared for the pushback. The hashtags #ABWorks and #DisruptInequality went from being pro-AB5 threads to anti-AB5 threads in a matter of minutes and stayed that way all day. Also good to note -the outrage was completely bipartisan. It was not attached to party in any way.
California Assemblyman Kevin Kiley commented on the “lobby day”, saying it is “unheard of” in Sacramento “to have a Lobby Day for a law that has already passed.”
#AB5's backers clearly sense momentum is turning in favor of Repeal. Today they‘ve organized a lightly attended Lobby Day at the Capitol. It's unheard of to have a Lobby Day for a bill that has already passed.
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) February 3, 2020
Is there momentum building? Most certainly. Here is a thread of real, live people explaining how AB5 has completely obliterated their livelihood, or threatens to.
The thread is long and it is only a sampling of stories, but these stories set the stage for what is about to become a very heated, prolonged battle against a state law that threatens to become national that will fundamentally change the face of the American economy as we know it in the worst of ways.
#AB5Works ??? Does it, though? You are ignoring 1/3 of California voters. We agree with your #DisruptInequality sentiment. #AB5 criminalizes the independent contracting business model. Go check out our feed for stories of lives destroyed.
— Faces of AB5 (#PROAct is #AB5) (@Ab5Of) February 3, 2020
#AB5stories, Sylvia: "I'm the Director of a small nonprofit opera. We've scrambled to comply with #AB5, but it will cost $10,000. Our nonprofit doesn't have this so I'll pay. We can't sustain this & will likely go dark. I founded the company 20 years ago so this breaks my heart"
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) February 4, 2020
If you believe #AB5works, please look at the real life devastation this law is already causing. It's killing the arts, non-profits, small newspapers, indie musicians, writers, photographers to name a few. #AB5 doesn't #disruptinequality. It simply disrupts and destroys.
— PixelPosh (@SusanVoiceOver) February 3, 2020
Take the blue pill, and you believe the lies that #AB5works. Take the red pill, and we show you reality in US Labor Dept stats: Women and people 55/older flocking to independent contractor careers to #disruptinequality by escaping workplace sexism and ageism. #fightforfreelancers
— Kim Kavin (@thekimkavin) February 3, 2020
We👏🏾don't👏🏾want👏🏾full👏🏾employment👏🏾we👏🏾want👏🏾to👏🏾make👏🏾our👏🏾own👏🏾employment👏🏾choices. Get out of here with this astroturf nonsense. #AB5Works by putting people out of work. #DisruptInequality by letting gig workers get back to their businesses. Justice demands it.
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) February 3, 2020
Newsflash: You can't #disruptinequality by supporting misogynistic legislation like #AB5. IRS data has a 90% increase in female breadwinners who choose independent contractor careers since 2001. Yet #AB5works by turning the clock back to the Depression with its archaic ABC test.
— Maressa Brown | Journalist. Author. Astrologer. (@MaressaSylvie) February 3, 2020
#AB5 hurts children, artists and #MusicEducation in California. This is NOT abot corporations or Uber. Call your legislators and the governor TODAY. #DisruptInequality #AB5stories #repealAB5
— Brittany Maldonado (@MaldonadoBBC) February 3, 2020
#AB5 is not meant to #disruptinequality. It's about forcing happy freelancers like me back to W2 jobs we don't want. #AB5works only if you think everyone must be assimilated. We all know that us good guys win in the end. #repealAB5 Stop NJ #S863 and #NoPROAct #fightforfreelancers
— Kim Kavin (@thekimkavin) February 3, 2020
The stories are still flooding in on the hashtags today. If you want to see more stories and concerns, join the Facebook group Freelancers Against AB5 and feast your eyes. The scope of this law is wide, astounding and nearly unbelievable. Lorena Gonzalez and her lobby have been trying to frame the opponents as “bots” or “paid protestors”. It is grossly offensive to be told by your own elected officials that not only are you not smart enough to make your own employment decisions but in fact, you don’t exist.
California has already begun early primary voting. Yes, we have a full 30 days to rig cast our ballots. The fight is on to remove these thieves from office and replace them with politicians who will repeal AB5 and let Californians get back to work.
As of the publication of the piece, Congress is set to vote on the national version (The PRO Act or HR2474) on Thursday. If you’re saying to yourself, “The GOP Senate won’t let it pass. I’m not worried” then just know that no bad idea ever dies, it just gets stuffed in a body bag and shoved into the freezer until people forget about it and then eventually rises again like a zombie.
This gross miscarriage of justice must be snipped at the source, and the source is California, Lorena Gonzalez and Governor Gavin Newsom.