Porners Are Boring Lately:

So lets talk politics a sec. Looks like John Kerry is going to be the Democratic nominee and you know what, he has a pretty good chance of winning. Bush hasn’t cut spending the way most Republicans have wished he would and most republicans can’t put their finger on why they are unhappy with Bush but they know that they are.

Allow me to theorize on this. Most Republicans and right leaning Libertarians (ie me), have a real love for liberty, and we don’t like to sacrifice that liberty for security, yet that is exactly what has happened under this administration. While I agree that we must exercise every option to control and prevent terrorism, that does NOT include giving up our constitutionally protected liberties. That is what John Ashcroft would have us do. Sure we all know he is against porn but it isn’t JUST porn, the ink wasn’t dry on the Patriot Act when he was using the provisions in it to prosecute things that had nothing to do with terrorism, yet he wants still more of our freedom under his direct control. Where does it end?

I will tell ya where it ends, it ends in November. Ashcroft is the big weight around George Bush’s neck, if he wants to stay in the White House I think it would be a really good idea to relieve this man of his appointed post.

Personally I am begining to think that this country functions best when we have a Democrat in the White House and a Republican Congress.

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Porners Are Boring Lately:

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