Porn age verification could cost £10M in legal battles against UK government

The money has been earmarked by the Treasury to pay for challenges to the already delayed ‘age verification’ policy when it finally goes into effect


Tory ministers have quietly admitted their porn crackdown could cost £10M in legal battles – in the first year alone.

Under the ‘age verification‘ scheme – which has already been delayed to “get it right” – commercial porn sites will be forced to show they are verifying users are over 18. Failure to do so could block firms from taking credit card payments or even see their sites blocked by service providers in the UK.

But campaigners have complained of an “absence of safeguards for privacy and security” and questioned how it will work in practice.

Yesterday ministers unveiled new details of which sites will be affected by the policy when it is run by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

However, they admitted that despite “effective work” with porn sites and charities, there is a “risk” of legal challenge.

Read it all at The Mirror

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Porn age verification could cost £10M in legal battles against UK government

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