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Just after dawn on Friday, roughly 30 women scurried into the heart of Central Park, splitting up into groups to avoid arousing police suspicion. Once they reached their destination, the Bethesda Fountain, they displayed their deep misgivings about war by disrobing amid a steady snowfall.

Lying down in shivering temperatures, the group of women — students, executives and artists among them — used their stark naked bodies to spell out the words “No Bush.”

Yes you read that right 30 naked chicks arranged thier bodies to say “NO BUSH” Just Damn!

“Part of it is apathy,” said Kate Heim, 25. “The other part is that people don’t realize it’s about to happen. It doesn’t seem real.”

Uhhhh HELLO Earth to Kate, anyone with half a brain and a radio or televison or who has picked up a newspaper in the last 6 months pretty well realizes we have every intention of going over there and kicking Saddams’s Ass.

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