Ok Someone Set Me Straight

On this whole Georgia/Ossetia thing.

As I understand it South Ossetia has been aligned with Russia for some time, it is geographically a part of Georgia right on the Georgia Russia Border, but is doesn’t want to be a part of Georgia.

Ok along comes Georgia and attacks South Ossetia because they want to bring them back into Georgia.

Russia comes to their defense.

Now why is the USA even concerned about this? What business of ours is in this?

So George Bush is rattling our sabre but in reality Russia could roll tanks through Georgia all the way to the Black Sea and there aint a fucking thing Bush could do about  it short of starting a nuclear war.

So Bush has a war on two fronts, Afghanistan  and Iraq, is preparing for war on a third front with Iran, and now wants to threaten Russia?

Im I wrong in thinking this is just pure insanity?

22670cookie-checkOk Someone Set Me Straight

Ok Someone Set Me Straight

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5 Responses

  1. The insanity is that the President of Georgia is a good friend of Dick Cheney, who has been supplying him with military equipment and arms, even though Saakashvili routinely arrests his political opposition, rigs elections and runs Georgia under martial law (wait – maybe that’s WHY he’s such good friends with Cheney).

    And we’ve been involved for a while. In exchange for Georgia’s help in Iraq, Bush declared that he was going to make Georgia a part of NATO – planting foreign troops and long-range missiles right on Russia’s Southern border.

    Putin promised that he wouldn’t allow Georgia to become a part of NATO (to Bush’s face during their last meeting on the Black Sea) and has used Georgia’s attack on Russian “peacekeepers” in South Ossetia as an excuse to put Georgia and us on notice that Georgia is in his sphere of influence, a buffer state, just as it was in the good old days of the Imperium (before the Tsar gobbled up the Caucusus altogether).

    So for the last couple of years, we’ve been equipping Georgia to take back the separatist states, and at the same time prodding Russia to the breaking point with Georgia.

    More Bush/Cheney genius in foreign affairs. This wouldn’t have happened without our hare-brained involvement.


  2. Ya I knew about the Nato thing and even our backing of Georgia.

    So essentially my hunch is correct in the we are DEAD WRONG to be involving ourselves in this.

  3. Yup. We’ve made a mess and there’s not much we can do about.

    Can’t even cry to the U.N. – since we basically we flushed the U.N. down the toilet along with that hairball of lies we coughed up on it a few years ago.

  4. This does sniff out a lot like Cuba doesn’t it? Except this time we are in the role the USSR took in Cuba.

    The more I learn about this the more I don’t like it.

    This world police bullshit has to stop

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