Based on the clip from “Creampie Apocalypse” below, and well as the stories I’ve heard from female performers, in my opinion the footage is quite real.
New Hampshire State Rep. Frank Sapareto accused of assaulting a California porn director — who has denied any knowledge of the situation — appears to have been filmed in the nude in a porn video.
Sapareto, a Derry Republican (and alleged cream pie fan) is currently is being sued by adult film producer Jonathan Carter aka Roy Randall after allegedly assaulting him as the two worked on a pornographic film in June in Ventura County, California.
Documents, images and videoclips obtained by NHJournal appear to back claims made in Carter’s lawsuit: thet Sapareto was involved in a video project to produce porn–and that the male lead in the movie was the Republican legislator himself.
Carter has about seven hours of uncut video for a movie that was to tell the story of an apocalypse with adult film performers searching for the last remaining man.
Here is a NSFW video clip
“Yes, I have seen the video. There’s hours and hours of it,” Eric Dubin told NHJournal. Dubin is representing Jonathan Carter, the plaintiff in a lawsuit claiming that Sapareto assaulted him due to the representative’s displeasure over the quality of the filming.
Sapareto denied knowing Carter or having any business involvement with the adult-film industry on Friday.
“Wow, that’s a great story,” he said, laughing. “I haven’t heard that one. I thought we were all done going after men.”
However, Sapareto has since changed his tune, according to a report in The Los Angeles Times:
[Sapareto] said Monday that he worked with Carter and invested roughly $5,000 to make tourism videos, but became concerned on his trip to California when Carter told him that he was involved in an insurance fraud case and knew people involved in porn movies.
Sapareto said he dropped off cameras he had bought for the venture at Carter’s home, but denied assaulting him.
“I said, ‘Here is the equipment, everything is fine, goodbye,’ and shook hands and that’s it,” Sapareto said. “I trusted him and I should never have done that, obviously. In today’s age, all it takes is an accusation — everybody is guilty now. He knows that, so he figured, ‘I am going to finish this guy’s career.’ ”
“My client lost consciousness. He was treated for a concussion in the emergency room,” Dubin said. “The idea that an elected official would completely lie about this is very disturbing. I’m not judging anyone’s personal behavior, but there are jobs that require public confidence.”
Carter accuses Sapareto of hitting him in the head, face and body, causing a concussion, the AP reported. The assault occurred after a seven-hour filming session of an adult film starring Sapareto, and was prompted by Sapareto’s dissatisfaction with the footage, Carter alleges.

Sapareto has denied the allegations, initially saying he was unaware of the situation.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he told the Associated Press on Friday, in comments first reported on Monday.
In one clip distributed on Tuesday, Sapareto greeted a woman at a door and briefly made sexual contact. A separate video screenshot appeared to show Sapareto nude and lying down next to another person. Separate screenshots of emails addressed to Sapareto’s publicly listed email address purported to show the lawmaker expressing interest in participating in the adult video.

In an interview with the Monitor on Tuesday, Sapareto accused Carter of doctoring the evidence against him through digital video effects and Adobe Photoshop. And he said that the effort was part of an extortion attempt by Carter that had been in the works for months.
“The guy [Jonathan Carter] is a dirtbag. He’s making a living off scams like this,” Sapareto told NHJournal. “This is a political hit job. He said he would kill my political career unless I paid him $5,000. And now he’s keeping his word,” Saparto said.
According to email correspondence between Sapareto and another person involved in the project, possible titles considered for the porn film—based on the premise of Rep. Sapareto playing the last male on Earth available to continue the human race after a horrific disaster—were:
- Last Sperm on Earth
- Armageddon Sperm Donor
- Doomsday Babymaker
[The Last Sperm on Earth is a better title — ed.]
Sapareto, who works as an investor, says he was in California on a business trip in February and met Carter in a lobby, Sapareto said. Carter pitched him an investment opportunity: a business filming tourist attractions and selling them abroad to people considering visiting the United States, according to Sapareto. Sapareto said he agreed to invest $5,000 and visited in June to check in on his investment. Over the course of a week, the two filmed tourist attractions, he added. They left amicably; the assault allegations came later, Sapareto said.
Sapareto said he’d seen the video released on Tuesday, but that it was not authentic.
“It had my head on a body,” he said. “He had pictures of me, and he had records of my voice. But what they showed me was me in situations I wasn’t there.”
Performance issues
According to attorney Dubin, the reason behind Rep. Sapareto’s violent attack was rooted in the porn shoot the day before.
“He wasn’t performing very well in his scenes or with the adult film actresses,” attorney Eric Dubin told NHJournal. “He was apologizing a lot to the female talent and his frustration carried over into the attack.”
When asked what the nature of the performance issue was, Dubin told NHJournal: “It’s not that they were going badly. Apparently they weren’t going at all.”
Sapareto is seeking re-election next week and plans to run for House Speaker if elected.
According to The Times, “In 2013, he was convicted of simple assault for pushing his girlfriend’s daughter, but he served no jail time. He once sponsored legislation to change the simple-assault laws so that any fight entered into by ‘mutual consent’ would be only a violation, not a misdemeanor. That bill failed to pass the Legislature.”
h/t: IndieSources / Concord Monitor