McCain Clenches the Republican Nomination

As I write this John McCain has sealed the Republican nomination and Huckleberry has withdrawn from the race.

The Democrats are a whole nuther story.

Clinton has staged a bit of a come back winning OH RI and the hotly contested TX Primaries. Even so she is going to have to pull a rabbit out of a hat in order to get the nomination, What happens in Pennsylvania may decide but apparently “Obamania” has subsided to some degree partly I think, because he is starting to appear more like a politician and less like a human being.

One thing I can’ help but notice is McCains wife….I mean lets face he is WAY outta his league with that one so apparently the man can sell.

Personally I don’t like or trust any of them, but I firmly believe that anyone qualified for the job wouldn’t want it.

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McCain Clenches the Republican Nomination

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