Manuel Ferrara Calls Out Male Feminist French Pres. Macron’s Porn Critique

Stud says politician guilty of “demonizing the porn industry”

Manuel Ferrara, French porn performer and husband of adult superstar Kayden Kross, has challenged France’s President Emmanuel Macron to meet with him and female performers after the leader linked pornography to violence against women and inequality.
Kayden Kross and Manuel Ferrara

Manuel Ferrara was furious over the left-leaning president’s speech over the weekend, which outlined his plan to tackle violence against women and ensure equality between the sexes.

According to the tweet by feminist-panderer Macron, pornography makes “the woman an object of humiliation” and that action needs to be taken because porn clips are now so widely watched among school children.

Ferrara hit back on Twitter and invited the beta president to discuss the issue.

“I am involved in this industry that you are trying to demonize by making this kind of remark. I am ready to sit down with you and discuss a topic that by all accounts you know nothing about. I’m waiting for your call!”

Manuel Ferrara Calls Out Male Feminist French President Macron on Porn

According to Ferrara, “Macron says what people want to hear.”

In an interview with France Inter radio, the adult star further rebuked the president, saying that he found his remark “shocking”.

“He demonizes the porn industry and is jumping to conclusions (faire un amalgame). It’s the same with video games. It’s like saying ‘a teenager who plays Call of Duty is going to pick up a gun and kill everyone in his school’.”

There is a big section of porn that does not humiliate the woman,” Ferrara noted — gay porn, porn for lesbians, and femdom come immediately to mind. He pointed out that in any case, X-rated movies are not designed for educational purposes, but for entertainment only.

He added that the problem of teenagers watching adult films on their smartphones and tablets is “not the fault of the porn industry.”

Ferrara wants President Macron to talk to women involved in the pornography industry  to ask them what they think.

Nutless Galahad in Élysée Palace

On Saturday, Macron announced his plan to extend the powers of France’s broadcasting regulator CSA to cover X-rated films as well as launch an awareness campaign on pornography in secondary schools.

The CSA plays an indispensable role in regulating audiovisual content everywhere and stopping the most undignified behavior becoming a form of tacit propaganda,” said the president. “Today we do not regulate access to video games, internet content and pornographic content that is increasingly available.


“In 2018, under the authority of the Prime Minister and with the special commitment of the Minister of Justice, we will have to rethink the framework of our regulation,” Macron said, vowing to tighten controls on all content “which can… lead to violence, in particular against the women.”

H/T: RT / The Local

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Manuel Ferrara Calls Out Male Feminist French Pres. Macron’s Porn Critique

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One Response

  1. There is definitely too many minors getting access to porn on the internet and growing up with warped views of sexuality.

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