Italian PM Berlusconi Has A Hottie

For those who don’t keep up with international politics, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is allegedly banging this:


Now Mrs Prime Minister is obviously none too pleased about this (and no that is not her pictured above, that is Noemi Letizia)

Now just to put it all in perspective this is what President Bill Clinton was hitting:


No word if Noemi is a cigar afficianado.

I do kind of like the idea here, I mean lets suppose you are the average Italian citizen, and Your supreme leader has THAT hanging around all the time….How much time will he spend fucking you?

Too bad Little Boots didn’t have one.


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Italian PM Berlusconi Has A Hottie

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One Response

  1. Mike…quite the bella facia she is…you know Italians have the best taste…as a certain mutual Italian friend of ours always says…”we gave the world all that is beautiful and good…the best food, the best clothes, the best cars…”
    You are probably right, maybe now they have given us the best form of government…a representative fuck-ocracy..

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