I Think About Other Things (Other Than Porn)

The Israel pullout of the Gaza Strip, I have been trying to figure this one out, and brothers and sisters it hit me like a ton of bricks.

On the surface it’s a peace gesture to be sure, if the Palestinians stop with the terrorism and such that will be the end of it, but that ain’t gonna happen. The Palestinians have no intention of stopping, they don’t even recognize Israel right to exist.

So when it doesn’t the Iraelis, who no longer have citizens there, are going to bomb that place into a barren wasteland. Mark my words.

.XXX Getting Double Penetrated:

Chalk one up for George Bush, he may accomplish what we couldn’t and get Jason Hendales, Stuart Lawly and ICMRegistry tossed out on their collective asses.

Seems Bush has joined the likes of me, the FSC, YNOT and damn near everyone else in porn in opposing the .XXX Top Level Domain, although certainly NOT for the same reasons.

Seems Bush and company envision ALL adult sites in the .xxx domain and are concerned that this will legitimize adult entertainment.

ICMRegistry, backed into a corner on this, has decided that a 30 day delay in issuing these domains so that the Department of Justice and others can study the “impact:” is just fine with them.

Well it seems that the enemy of my enemy is trying to do me a favor here although it certainly doen’t make him my friend.

ICANN needs to just nip this in the bud once and for all, nobody wants it. Tell ICMR to go fuck themselves.

This Site May Become Inaccessable for Some Of You For A Bit:

Im moving to a new server this week, better, faster, more bandwidth yadayada, but that means during DNS propagation there maybe a brief time when you cant access the site…No worries, it’s been here a long time and it aint going anywhere anytime soon.

Shock And Awe…And It’s At The Gas Pump:


You need look no further than the gas prices at your local station to know why the United States needs to get itself off the OPEC nipple as much as possible. ABC had a report last on World News Tonight that said there are only 149 refineries in the United States. Any single one of those refineries goes offline, has a problem or shuts down, and we have ourselves a gas shortage. That means prices go through the roof.

Not a single refinery has been built in the last 30 years. Why is that? Because the radical environmentalists have made it so hard along with the government to pull the proper permits, that’s why. The oil companies figure it’s just not worth it. There’s also a little bit of the NIMBY syndrome….not in my back yard. People want to drive their gas-guzzling SUV’s, but would be jumping up and down screaming if somebody dared to build a new refinery within sniffing distance of their house.

As was pointed out last night, new refineries would be able to refine the less expensive heavy crude oil, which is $14 a barrel less than the light crude that is used now. Gas would be cheaper because there would be more of it and because the oil was cheaper. But as it stands now, the process for building a new refinery takes years.

In addition, we also need to start drilling for our own oil. Right now. Everywhere. We need to send the rigs not only to Alaska, but offshore and everywhere else there might be oil. Why is this so urgent? Well, we do want cheaper prices, but another reason is because we are lining the pockets of terrorists and tinhorn dictators that despise our very existence. For example, Venezuela.

Venezuela is run by a thug known as Hugo Chavez, a communist. Today, he is threatening to cut off the flow of oil to the United States. That country is the fourth-largest provider of oil. If Chavez cuts us off, we’re going to pay more at the pump. Politicians know this, so they will try and appease Venezuela, despite it not being in our national security interests to do so.

The way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is not with hybrid cars the size of a Budweiser can…it’s with our own drilling and exploration. Oh, and for crying out loud, we need to start building new refineries. Pronto.


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I Think About Other Things (Other Than Porn)

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