Did Michael Avenatti Get 4chan’d About Alleged Kavanugh ‘4th Victim’

Attorney Michael Avenatti 4chan’d? If this story proves out it will be friggin’ hilarious. Talk about a jackass who believes his own press!

As we know, press whoring “creepy porn lawyer” Michael Avenatti’s Twitter suddenly went into lockdown the other day in the midst of the Judge Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing drama.

Did Michael Avenatti Get 4chan'd About Alleged Kavanugh '4th Victim'

As one site noted, “after two days of ginning up publicity with the news he has a “100 percent credible” accuser against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, adding that she has “multiple witnesses to corroborate her story” and that she is “willing to take a polygraph,” Avenatti appeared to walk back that assurance  in a Tuesday morning tweet.

Suddenly, his new “100 percent credible” client might now not come forward against Brett Kavanaugh, and then locked his Twitter public profile from view.

According to a 4chan member, Avenatti, the headline chasing attorney to aging porn star Stormy Daniels, got ‘4chan’d’ — punk’d as it were:

With some serious egg on his face, Tuesday Avenatti denied that he’d been scammed.

According to Politico

Kavanaugh is in a pitched battle to salvage his nomination, after two women have come forward to allege sexual misconduct decades ago. One of his accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, is set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday about her allegation that a drunken Kavanaugh assaulted her at a house party when they were both in high school.

An online post on Tuesday claimed that Avenatti had been scammed by the online forum 4Chan, a place where online users delight in trolling public figures, setting off a firestorm on social media and purportedly jamming up Avenatti’s Twitter account. The attorney said he temporarily shut down the account because of online threats.

“This is just crazy that somebody can just tweet something out like this, or post it, and people just take it as truth,” he said. “It’s crazy.”

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Did Michael Avenatti Get 4chan’d About Alleged Kavanugh ‘4th Victim’

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4 Responses

  1. And as usual Sam “Foghorn” Langhorne with his useless partisan crap about Avenatti. Just stop writing man, we’d all end up smarter.

  2. Sam’s editorial commentary might be on the conservative side but her writing is actually quite compelling and her informative articles are actually quite informative. Actually, I wish Sam would write more — especially her news related articles. It takes all sides to create an informed public and this site now has writers from all sides of an issue. Even the namesake and longtime, now retired primary reporter for this site has said (paraphrased) that the current owners of the site have accomplished what he wished he could have — a reporting staff with a wide range of personal views, interests and writing styles.

  3. Thank you, that’s a commendably mature viewpoint. I’ve said it before — if you don’t like my views, spawn, don’t read them. I absolutely could not care less.

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