Oron’s Assets Ordered Frozen in US and Hong Kong

A federal judge today ordered Orons Assets in the United States frozen, additionally there is a legally binding order in Hong Kong preventing them from transferring any properties there.

Corbin Fisher/Liberty Media has filed suit against Oron for almost 35 Million dollars for copyright infringement.  When Orons owners started transferring properties to protect assets Liberty Media petitioned the court for an injunction to prevent them from doing so.  The court granted the injunction and you can just bet that Maxim Bochenkos asshole just puckered up BIG TIME


Congrats to Liberty Media and their legal team…the good guys win another one.


AVN should be giving these guys a lifetime achievement award.



62020cookie-checkOron’s Assets Ordered Frozen in US and Hong Kong

Oron’s Assets Ordered Frozen in US and Hong Kong

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3 Responses

  1. Randazza and his team are really good lawyers. They deserve all the credit here. I saw a piece on TorrentFreak where two other companies seem to be taking credit for this. So fucking typical and those two companies are grade A scumbags.

  2. As much as I’d love to see these shit stains driven into the ground and lose everything, common sense tells me it will be business as usual soon as quickly as Randazza and Fisher collect their settlement. No way will this suit go the distance. Suing pirates is nothing more than a new business model.

  3. Richard – The problem I have with that PR is that those whom released it had zero, nada, zilch to do with it. A US law firm did this… not a Canadian, Luxembourg or Dutch firm, however, they sure as shit will take credit for it. The ironic thing is that’s exactly where these file sharing sites harbor themselves too. Canada, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

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