Yet another, but this time the guy makes Brian of Brian Award fame look positively genius.

This guy called me and this is a word for word conversation of what happened, I don’t know how he got my phone number but presumeably it was on an adult jobs board:

MS: “Hello”

Billy: “Ya, umm is this where y’all make them porno videos?”

MS: “This is South River Video can I help you?”

Billy ” Ya, ummm my name’s Billy and I seen where you are lookin for porno actors”

MS: “How old are you Billy?”

Billy “Ahm 27 what would I have to do?”

MS: “Well you have to fuck on camera and cum when I tell you too”

Billy “I ain’t gonna have to fuck no nigger am I?” he pauses ” Or no guy”

at this point I’m speechless but he continues

Billy: ” Well I reckon I might do a guy but I ain’t gonna fuck no nigger.”

MS: “Ok Billy Let me get this straight, you would suck a guys dick….” he interrupts

Billy: “Ya long as it ain’t no nigger”

MS: “But you would not not fuck Halle Berry?”

Billy: “yup, I just don’t want nothin to do with niggers”

MS: ” I Think You got the wrong number asshole!”

And I hung up.

I wonder if he is any relation to Trent Lott…At any rate, Billy, whoever you are, you are now the second recipient of the Brian Ciancio Award, I only wish that I bestow upon you something more appropriate, like a day or two in a locked room with Lexington Steele and Mister Marcus.

Please don’t read this site, it disturbs me think that you reflect the mentality of anyone in the humnan race, much less one of my readers, but then again I suspect you are too fucking stupid to read.

6360cookie-checkYet another, but this time the guy makes Brian of Brian Award fame look positively genius.

Yet another, but this time the guy makes Brian of Brian Award fame look positively genius.

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