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Rob Rings in on Agents and Testing:

Wow, your last few bits have been so great… someone needs to stand up for these girls, and teach them the truth so they know how to protect themselves and not get screwed over… or worse. quick question, I may just be thick [You aren’t]… but was the shot at Derrek, intended for derrek at LAdirect? if so… double the applause, I owe him much thanks for our useless trip to california. Also as one last little extra note- because of the process by wich the PCR test uses to artificially replicate the reverse transcriptase of the HIV virus, it can actually create a positive response in HIV negative samples and infect the sample. it is also a failure of a test because beyond the high chance of a false positive or false negative, it’s most fatal flaw is the fact that HIV has never officialy been isolated, therefore it is testing for a form of transcriptase that is from a created verion of the rna of a virus… not from the actual rna of the HIV virus. at least that is how Iunderstood the paper written by the designer of the test itself. its been a while since Ii read it but heres a link to the article… youve probably heard of the site that it is from, and while Ii dont agree with everything they say, they do have some solid scientific data behind them. (a pre-med friend of mine completely adopted their philosophy on HIV after doing his own research) its a great article about how useless the PCR test really is.sorry about getting long winded… good luck and by all means keep up the good work, you speak the truth long enough, people will be forced to listen.


OK He Loves Me:

Hi Mike,
I hope it is you who is getting this. I truly don’t know where to begin so please bare with me.
allow me to begin by introducing myself: my name is Joe Peterson, I live in Los Angeles. I just started my adult production company (Flesh Flower Productions) if you have time you can take a look at I know you are a busy man so I’ll try to make this short. I am 32, and loved the industry since I remember myself. also like you I am an actor and want to direct (real) films in the future. I worked with Jim South a little and Robert Black (don’t like him), and Hustler a few years back. my passion for the stage and acting kept me away from getting to “deep” in the adult industry. but now at age 32, I am finally sick of waiting on tables and living paycheck to paycheck waiting for my break in Hollywood. I decided to start a business with my second passion in life: women. believe it or not I am still waiting tables to support myself. but the goal is to start making some money with porn. OK enough about me before you start thinking “who is this freak, and what does he want”.
I ran into an article about you at AVN insider a couple of hours ago, and read your background and views about the industry. I might never hear from you back, or this might be just another “fan mail” for you. but for me it was shocking to find another person on this planet who thinks just like me. I went to your website and read your stuff. I loved your advice for the models. loved how you care, and genuinely a good person. it just makes me feel good to see someone with the same values as mine in the industry. Anyway Mike, I don’t want to waste your time and bore you with to much bla bla. I just had to vent my thoughts. and maybe you have a couple of tips for a novice producer with no money. I also would like (with your permission) to ad a link to your site from my website. and also take the chance to offer any help if needed. I just discovered a role model and would love to lend a hand in any way I can (on set, graphic design, web design etc). but not as a performer because I tried that one and couldn’t function infront of a crew.
Well, hope I didn’t bore you with this long ass letter. I hope to hear from you.
Best wishes.


Joe Peterson

I sent Joe to read the little bit on about starting up a company in porn. I wish Joe the best of luck but this is one cutthroat business. The distributors will try their best to hold off on paying you until you go out of business and they wont have to pay at all. Word I get is that if you read between the lines of that Jimmy D bit The company he is talking about is Platinum X Pictures. Not to worry I don’t think PXP is gonna disappear just yet but it does illustrate how tough this biz is, even if you know your way around it.

Damn, My Heart is Broken, He Doesn’t Love Me:

Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 02:04:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: frank bono <[email protected]>
Subject: playing a nice guy
To: [email protected]

Hey Scumbag!

Agents can charge both, actress and the director.

Stop playing the nice guy.

You are one of the lowest pieces of shit with no values Mike South!

And you’re not fooling anybody, LOOSER.

Nope I don’t fool anyone. My email address says exactly who I am, I don’t hide behind fake names and email addresses. But I do have one question for ya Frank? If you are so fucking smart how come your not a lawyer instead of an unlicensed, unregistered “agent” with a big mouth? Oh and I suggest you consult an attorney because in California…You are wrong. Oh and buy yourself a dictionary while you are at it, I believe the term you were searching for was L O S E R. Loser.

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Tod Hunter Tells My Story on AVN Insider:

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