Porn’s Most Famous Photog Falls Off Her Horse

Suze Randall had a mishap this morning, falling off of her horse, thankfully her mishap resulted only in a dislocated shoulder and nothing more serious. We wish Suze the best and a speedy recovery.

Pure Play Media didn’t confirm or deny the story but did say there would be a press release soon.

Don’t Pay The Ransom…I Escaped:

I blew out on Wednesday, a day early, and after an uneventful 7 hour drive I was met in Tampa by Haley, Beater and Jes

Beater Poses

Me and Haley

And we can’t get any privacy…..

Thursday, Let the Games Begin!:

After beater and jes had a rather uneventful night (Haley and I didn’t!) The official show day arrives and the porn chicklets start showing up at the hotel. Our first stop was at a swingers club where we were told there would be food for us.

Now I dunno about y’all but I won’t even eat in a titty bar…much less a swingers club, so we hit the traditional Bennigans, which has pretty much played out, before going to the club.

Don’t get me wrong the club was nice but I just don’t see myself eating dinner in there ya know?

After the club we went and hung at the pool, where as you can see…it got a little wild…

Beater and Cheyenne

Lisa Sparks and Charlee Chase perform an ancient swinger ritual. may the biggest nipples win!

Our moral leader (Luke Ford) trying to save Sunny Lane and Vivian West

Amber and I, She was a little hottie but just couldn’t quite stay out of the snow.

I guess Im just a babe magnet

Angelica Sin looks hot wet

And we know….ahem what’s coming…Yes thats at the pool…Angelica is about to get a little wetter

Charlee Chase Fluffs

Is it me or does the dude in the loud shirt look like he has more man tit than Wankus?

Kelly Taylor is pretty hot in the wet look too dontcha think?

Stripper tricks…

Thats probably as close as I am gonna get to THAT pussy! She did tell me I have the sweetest face….

Ok thats it for today…more tomorrow.


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Porn’s Most Famous Photog Falls Off Her Horse

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Mike South

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