Porn on Primetime Again:

And again they do a hatchet job. I don’t have to tell those who saw it. They painted Laura Roxx as this poor Canadian girl trying to earn her way through college. Never mind the fact that she hasn’t been enrolled in any college. They didn’t mention her drug use, they didn’t mention the fact that she was turning unprotected tricks out of that 44.00 a night hotel room she was in. Ya know, now that I think about it, they probably did us a favor after all that IS the kind of girl that many people in this business prey on. Many of the scumbags in this business can smell desperation in a girl a mile away. Primetime said she was expecting to do only regular sex, Dugmoor was advertising on GFY that she would do double anal, he gloated that he was in a 400 dollar a night room and he had her in a 40 dollar a night room. Theres a word for guys like him, predator.

Of course Laura knew she was doing anal long before going to L.A., she had already done it in Canada, another fact that Primetime overlooked. Nor did they report that it is equally likely that She gave the disease to Darren as it is that he gave it to her but you can thank Sharon Mitchell for that.

Speaking of Sharon, they referred to her as “Doctor” Sharon Mitchell, proving that they didn’t do any background on that either and did us yet another favor. Had they pointed out that she calls herself “Doctor” yet she has no MD nor does he possess a Phd from any accredited University, or even a bachelors degree….we would have appeared even much more underhanded and slimey.

If they REALLY wanted to do a hatchet job on us they could have ripped us to shreds, was it fair and balanced? Hell no, But what it is, is entertainment, that’s all, they pander to what they think the audience wants to hear.

Speaking of Darren, this may be a bit off topic but it’s time he became a man and answered some questions. If printing his real name will make that happen, I will do it. What’s he hiding anyway?

Den Writes:

The Nationally Syndicated Neal Boortz Radio Show.

Chamblis High School in Atlanta.

For the morning announcements, the teacher puts in a tape and plays it for the class.

2 guys and a gal pulled a prank, they switched tapes and the teacher played a porno tape.

Neal interviews 1 of the guys and asks him, ‘Was it a Mike South tape?’.

Neal then interviews the gal.

You are number 1 with Neal.


Hell Ya! Neal is the best!


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Porn on Primetime Again:

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