pdates may be a little sparse for the next day or two, I had a fire at my home today and it did quite a bit of damage.

ow I have to deal with the insurance company who will surely think of many new and creative ways to fuck me….No I wasn’t hurt nor was anyone in the house, it’s just a royal pain in the ass….

Thanks and a free months membership to Curious for the clipart above!

All we need now are Tera and Adella (hereinafter known by her southern name A-Dell – pronounced A Day yul) and Jewn and Samantha Turkeys!

Anyone got a picture of this Jewn character? I might have one but I don’t know if it’s him.

5730cookie-checkpdates may be a little sparse for the next day or two, I had a fire at my home today and it did quite a bit of damage.

pdates may be a little sparse for the next day or two, I had a fire at my home today and it did quite a bit of damage.

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Mike South

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