Lindsey Lovehands As Promised

This are some of the tamer photos we shot Wed night. Aside from resizing them and making very small adjustments to the exposure they are unretouched. I don’t like to heavily photoshop the girls because in my opinion it takes away some of the reality, making them look too perfect and the viewer knows that.  He will say I’ll bet she doesn’t look like that in real life. Believe me Lindsey looks like this in real life, she did her make up and hair the way she always does it.  In the last two pics we were just goofing off with the bubbles…And can you tell she was having fun?

What I want to know is what y’all think leave me or Lindsey a comment.

Click the photos for the full size picture

dsc_0046.jpg Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands Lindsey Lovehands

26430cookie-checkLindsey Lovehands As Promised

Lindsey Lovehands As Promised

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5 Responses

  1. What a DOLL!!! I’ve met her in person and, no offense Mike, but the camera just can’t capture how stunning she really is!!! Great shots !

  2. the first shot is the sexiest. something’s missing though. i think it would have been hotter with water glistening/dripping from her bod.

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